Cults of Shezzar

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Fittingly, one of the most enigmatic military sects is the cult known as the Reman Mysteries. Popular legends claim Chevalier Renald, a Tsaesci and a member of Emperor Reman I's Dragonguard, founded the cult at Sancre Tor following the death of the emperor. Interest in the Reman Mysteries have waxed and waned throughout history, the cult growing in influence when the Empire is threatened.

The Remanites revere Reman as the Man of Light who was sent by Shezzar and St. Alessia to restore the Empire and bring about a paradise on Nirn. During the Interregnum, the cult waited for Reman to come again to restore his Empire. When Tiber Septim claimed the Ruby Throne, the Remanites were quick to name him Reman Come, another Shezzarine.

When the Imperial Simulacrum threatened to tear the Empire apart once again, the desire for the third coming of the "Ordained Vessel" was powerfully felt. Interest in the Mysteries resurfaced within the Legion, the Remanites once more looking for a savior to deliver the Empire from destruction. This time, the Eternal Champion satisfied their desire for a hero. The enigmatic nature of the Eternal Champion who defeated Jagar Tharn and restored Uriel Septim VII to the Ruby Throne played readily into cult rhetoric.

The Remanites do not believe Akatosh is the god of the Empire. It was not Akatosh who sent Pelinal Whitestrake to punish the Ayleids, not did Akatosh call Reman forth from Sancre Tor. No, the true god of the Empire is Shezzar, say the Remanites.

And that is the sum of publicly available knowledge regarding the Reman Mysteries.

Yet another Shezzarine sect is the Cult of Heroes, or, properly, the Heroön. The Heroön revere St. Alessia, Pelinal Whitestrake, Morihaus, Reman I, Talos, Bendu Olo and Attrebus as demigods who delivered Man from destruction at the behest of Shezzar. Heroön believe the Empire itself is divine, a holy kingdom established by godly decree. Following the ascension of Tiber Septim to godhood, Grandmaster Severus proclaimed he had received a vision: Talos had subsumed the other Divines into himself. There was no longer any need to worship the other gods, for all were now one in Talos. More radical than the Remanites, Heroön desire to transform the Empire into a Man-only nation, reducing mer and beastfolk to a secondary servant class. Both the emperor and the Imperial Cult have decried the Heroön as heretics and traitors and destroy their cells where they find them

This ends the first volume of Military Cults of the Imperial Legion.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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