Chapter 9: Maniac on the Dance Floor

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I forgot how to ballroom dance. Scratch that, I don't think I ever even knew how to ballroom dance. With all eyes on me, one of which being a pair that belonged to the emperor, I felt my legs quiver as I kept my eyes glued to the floor.

'Please don't kill me,' I mentally pleaded.

The orchestra begins a new piece, signaling the beginning of a new waltz. Thankfully, people began to go to their respective partners and join hands, though I knew the muffled chatter all around was about me.

I feel a large hand rest itself on my waist, making me jolt slightly, his other hand still encasing mine that lay limp.

He chuckles at my startle. 'This guy is a maniac!' Disbelief ran through me that he found amusement in people's fear!

My free hand robotically moves up to his broad shoulders, feeling the muscles flex from the slight shifts from his body.

'Yep, can definitely crush me in one move.' Though I cannot deny, I didn't mind the sensation of such large muscles...if only they weren't the emperors...

"I...I uhh..." How do I tell him I've only ever ballroom danced once in my entire life?

"Spit it out." Well, that certainly didn't help. Now I just wish I didn't speak at all.

"Can't dance." I blurted out bluntly before I could stop myself, no manners whatsoever. Goodness. I'm screwed.

Emperor Kruos raises an eyebrow at that. "You don't know how to ballroom dance?"

I shake my head, afraid to speak in case I come off as brutish, again. 'Eliza really rubbed off on me. It's like everything I learned in my etiquette classes vanished into thin air!'

"A princess who can't dance?" His words make me wince.

I hear a few snickers from near me, no doubt people pretending to be dancing, but in reality, just trying to get closer in order to eavesdrop.

Closing my eyes, I hang my head in shame and embarrassment. I hadn't planned on dancing tonight, and in the instance that I should be invited to one, I would have had no problems telling him I couldn't, since I had no fear of judgment from noble men.

But, this wasn't any ordinary noble man. This was the emperor.

The snickers stop abruptly, followed by, "My sincerest apologies, your majesty."

I look up and notice Emperor Kruos gives that signature cold, blank, but deadly look.

Emperor Kruos leans down, whispering in my ear suggestively, so that only I could hear. "Hmm...I guess I have no choice but to teach you a lesson, then."

I pale even further at his words, before pink dusts across my face when I realize the innuendo. 'A lesson? I know he is referencing dancing, but why must he make it sound so crude?'

Straightening back up, he looks pleased at my expression. "A dancing lesson, you naughty girl. What were you thinking of?"

My face could warm the entire Empire of Kruos, at this point. He takes the lead, moving my unresisting, lax body, as if it were a marionette.

"I-I know what you meant, but you know how you said it..." I defend myself weakly, despite knowing I should keep my mouth shut. I am not that type of woman! We sway side-to-side and I clumsily step on his feet a few times, though he doesn't seem to pay any heed to it.

"Hmm? I have no clue what you're talking about. Care to enlighten me with what lessons you thought I was implying?" His innocent tone dripped with insincerity. I attempt to match his movement.

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