Chapter 13: Getting Acquainted

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"This will be your room for the duration of the selection process, so please make yourself comfortable. I will come to pick you up around noon." The same maid from before bows, opening the door to a different room from before.

"Thank you," I nod my head at her. Before she is able to leave, I question her. "What is your name? I have a feeling that we will be quite close."

The maid looks at me, astonished before clearing her throat. "My name is Sarah, my lady."

"Thank you, Sarah." I smile at her, before closing the door.

I cannot believe this is happening. I do not belong here in the slightest, but it is unfortunately too late to turn back.

"GAHHHH!" I shake my head in my hands aggressively. How did I manage to put myself in this situation!?

I take a deep breath, before exhaling loudly, feeling the migraine begin to take place in my head. 'It will be okay. Just relax.' I tried to convince myself.

I quickly ran through the whiplash that was the prior days. I came to a ball, hoping to eat good food (which I did) on the basis that I don't draw any attention to myself.

Somehow, I ended up kissing the emperor and now am participating in their selection of an empress.

How did I mess up that badly?

'Participating doesn't mean I will be selected,' I mentally remind myself. I mustn't get worked up over this. The chances are highly unlikely, and I just need to make myself seem like an awful fit for the role.

That won't be hard considering I am an awful fit for the role. I don't know a lot about the empire, I am barely a noble at best, and even during my days as true nobility, I didn't do much.

Yeah, there is no chance I will get selected.

A sigh of relief escapes my mouth at that prospect. Now, the only thing left to do is convince the emperor to allow me to send a letter back to Therasis to explain to Eliza why I am a participant.

"You are a smart girl. Figure it out."

I groan in frustration before reaching an epiphany.

'Surely he doesn't mean THAT, right?'


Signing off the letter in my hands, I reread it one last time before neatly sealing it within the envelope. Getting up from the little desk within the guest room, I stretch a little before walking down the hallways once more.

I had about another two hours left until noon, so I had some time to try and convince the emperor to let me send my letter.

"Excuse me, will you please lead me to his majesty?" I question a maid who is cleaning the windows outside the guest hall.

"Of course, my lady," she bows. We walk in silence, before stopping at a grand oak door. The maid bows once more, before heading back.

I give a few, quick knocks against the door before calling. "Your highness? It is Lady (y/n). I wish to speak to you."

His command is instantaneous. "You may enter."

Pushing open the oak door, it creaks slowly as I enter. I shut it behind me, mustering up my courage, before turning around.

His majesty is seated at a grand table, papers scattered everywhere. The collar of his shirt is folded down and the top few buttons are slightly undone. His hair is slightly rugged, most likely from running his fingers through it so often.

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