Chapter 3: Past Tribulations III

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"Princess (y/n), we have arrived," Theodore's voice lulls me to the real world, a blissful escape from the nightmares that continue to plague my dreams.

I opened my eyes, the first thing hitting me was the brisk, cold air. Clutching the jacket closer to my body, I step out of the carriage, my bag in hand. After my mental meltdown, I had somehow managed to calm myself right before Theodore had awoken.

"Thank you, Theodore," I said earnestly. "Will I see you again? Where will you go?" I asked.

"My brother lives in the outskirts of this town, milady," he states. "I will stay with him for the time being."

I nod. "I wish you a safe departure. Thank you again, for everything."

"May your life prosper from here on out," he wishes me, before disembarking.

As he leaves, the guards approach.

"What business do you have with the royal family?" They question assertively, towering over me. Is this what it is like to have a strong military? We had a few guards but they did not ooze the same amount of authority that these guys did.

"I am Princess (y/n) (l/n), from the Kingdom of (l/n). I am here to speak to King Therasis. I have a letter he must read addressed from my father," I hush out gently, fearing that one of those blades would come down on me if I spoke too aggressively.

"Very well, you may follow me," he speaks gruffly, before turning around and walking ahead.

Quickly following behind, the silence begins to creep in. Arriving at two large, red doors, he knocks before speaking. "Your majesty, you have a visitor from the (l/n) kingdom."

At his words, the sound of footsteps could be heard nearing. The large doors open, and a man adorned in white with red and gold jewels and brooches steps out. His graying hair and wrinkles made me suspect he was around the same age as my father.

"Ah, Princess (y/n). I haven't seen you since your first birthday. How much you've grown in these years," he nods.

"What business do you have here? You are alone?" He questions, looking around, though nothing besides me remained in the empty halls.

"My father has sent a letter for you, your majesty," I bow. The kingdom of Therasis was easily three to four times more powerful than our own, and it felt wrong to talk so casually to him, despite knowing he was good friends with my parents.

"Please, come in," he beckons into his office. Sitting at one of the plush, red seats, I take the small, black box out of the bag and hand it to King Therasis.

"They told me to give this to you," I say, watching him open the box and pull out a letter.

His eyes scan the contents of the paper, and I absentmindedly look out the window. The air here was much colder than back home. After all, we did travel north for quite some distance, though I wasn't used to such frigidness.

"I see," King Therasis says as he folds the letter again, before scanning the rest of the box. Pulling out a mesh bag filled with gold coins, he sighs before looking at me with pity in his eyes.

"I am so sorry for your situation, Princess (y/n). Had I known this was going to happen, I would've sent my help," the King says remorsefully.

"I assure you, you will always have a home in my kingdom. Please rest assured that I will do my best to accommodate you as you navigate through your new life," he speaks solemnly.

"Thank you, your majesty," my voice was sincere. At least I wasn't going to be homeless. A weight lifted off my shoulders at that prospect.

"I will have a maid set up a room for you. In the meantime, please get some rest and we will discuss things tomorrow. You must be tired from the long journey here." He stands and calls for a maid.

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