Part 16

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Shadow's POV

I hear the door open and i see that red idiot walk in along with the others shortly after. I sigh knowing Ill most likely have to do the talking, considering Sonics condition. Maybe i can avoid this for right now.

Some sit while others stand, but all of their focuses are on one blue hedgehog. Sonics ears tip back slightly as he sees their gaze. Hes been better since i patched him up, but this isnt helping. I can see him glance at me, silently asking for help.

"The least you could do is not stare at him like hes some damn center piece." I growl lowly at them. I can see the look of both shock and guilt on their pathetic faces. "He can explain later, for now you all need to leave." I keep a cold tone with them.

"Dont you get it shadow? Were worried about someone we care about and found out weve been lied to. Although you and your emotionless heart probably couldnt care less about what happens to Sonic. In fact, i remember a time when you hated him and even tried to kill him multiple times." Knuckles spits back at me.

Now im fucking pissed. That red punching bag went too far. By now knuckles is in my face as we glare at each other. I open my mouth to speak but am cut off by a gentle hand on my shoulder and a familiar voice. "Please... stop fighting." Sonic pleads as he can hardly stand from exhaustion.

I look over to him and my anger slightly dies off. Ill get my revenge later, when the echidna is alone... 

Knuckles' POV

Sonic stands up and intervenes. Hes always hated when we fight, although its inevitable. I look over at shadow, then back to sonic. He looks horrible. I notice hes shaking a little so i gently put my arm around him to keep him upright. His small body seems so delicate right now, as if it could shatter with one touch.

All of my previous anger is forgotten as my focus is on Sonic. I feel him lean on me slightly as he takes his hand off of Shadows shoulder. I hear shadow sigh quietly. "We'll settle this later..." His tone is cold as usual, but theres an underlying sadness to it. Is he worried about Sonic?

Im ripped out of my thoughts as i hear a quiet whimper from sonic. His ears pin back and he closes his eyes. I swiftly pick him up and hold him in my arms bridal style. 

He rests his head on my chest and i can just see the pain in his eyes. "Whats wrong sonic..?" I make sure to keep a soft and gentle tone to not upset him. He looks up at me with slightly dazed eyes. "..J-Just tired..." I can tell that hes only telling half the truth but I choose to ignore it for now. He needs rest.

I look over to shadow. He nods, understanding what he needs to do. He gets everyone out of the cabin. I then start to lay sonic down for a much needed rest.

Rouge's POV

After shadow brought us outside he told us about everything. There were many shocked faces, but also we all wanted to know why big blue would keep this a secret from everyone? I guess we'll just have to wait until he is better to ask.

Knuckie joins us after a bit. Hes always had a protective side to him, especially for sonic. He knows big blue can do perfectly fine on his own, but there are times when things like this do happen. We make sure to fill him in on the details.

So many things are going through everyone's heads right now. Like: Why would sonic hide this from us? Hes still the same hedgehog we know, right? Is he going to be ok? Sirens and mermaids are real? 

Those are only a few of the million questions flooding my brain. I can at least have some peace knowing that i trust big blue and he had a good reason behind his decisions. I know he wouldnt keep a secret this big from us without a valid reason. Come to think of it, hes a horrible secret keeper.

"How is he?" Blaze breaks the silence first. Knuckles shakes his head. "I wish i knew. From the looks of it, he just needs rest. Hes exhausted." Shadow nods. It appears some emotion is breaking though his tough guy act. Looks like someone is getting attached... I smirk, knowing shadow will most likely come running to me not understanding this change in 'hate'.


I decided to give yall a slightly longer chapter as a sorry. Im still struggling with writers block though and would greatly appreciate any suggestions for the plot or anything else.

Thank you for reading!

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