Where's your morals || Chapter 13

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Ugh, god... Ever since I started working for Karen's bitch ass last week, I've been forced to do so much horrible work. Screwing over a bunch of people, hurting and killing even more innocent people, and just work in general that's been sucking the absolute life out of me. So much goddamn work... I just feel so exhausted and shitty now. A part of me doesn't even wanna keep my deal with her anymore, but I don't know... All this work would be for nothing if I gave up now. I'm trying so hard to think of the positives here. Finally finding out the identity of my blackmailer. But I still don't know how much longer I'm supposed to work for her and her government building until she tells me. In the meantime, I think I'm allowed to be a bit depressed for now, alright? Also for some reason, Blizzard's been gaining a bunch of weight recently. I have no idea why, I've been feeding her the exact same diet that I've always given her. I feel too tired and shitty to worry about that right now, though.
Well, luckily today I didn't have to do any work, but I felt way too depressed and tired to do anything else. All I could do right now was lay on the couch, my face pressed into the cushions while I was still in my pajamas. I felt too tired and depressed to barely even move a muscle right now.
Suddenly though, I could hear what sounded like a door creaking, hearing footsteps walk into my apartment.
"Heya, Sofija!" I could quickly then hear Trevor's voice happily greeting me.
"Urgh... Trevor...?" I lazily and barely shifted my head up, looking up at Trevor. "How'd you get in here...?"
"Your locks old and busted, sugar. Might need to get that checked out sometime." Trevor responds. "Jesus, what's wrong with you? You look like shit."
"Urgh... Too much fucking work from Karen... I feel like shit." I grumbled in response.
"Christ, those assholes are still making you work for them?" Trevor angrily huffed out in response. "How much longer are they gonna whore you out for them?! You should just quit this shit already... I bet I could find your blackmailer without sucking your goddamn soul out of you!"
"I can't... Not when I've gotten this far." I grumbled, pressing my face back into the couch.
"Urgh... Well... When's the next time you have to work for them?" Trevor asked.
"Good! We have enough time to hang out today." Trevor says. "Come on, get up! I wanna take your mind off of things today."
"Urgh... I don't want to." I grumbled in response. Trevor ignored my rejection, grabbing my arm as he lifted my limp body up. Trevor was strong enough to be able to completely lift me up off the couch, but my body felt so weak and tired, my legs practically asleep. When Trevor had lifted me up, my body nearly went limp and fell back down, but Trevor grabbed me by both sides of my waist, helping me stand up as my head lazily rested against his chest.
"Come on sugar, wake yourself up already! Or I'll drag you out of this place if I have to." Trevor says.
"Noooo... Don't make me..."
"Fine then... Have it your way." Trevor suddenly lifted me up, now carrying me in a bridal style fashion. "You're lucky I'm strong enough to carry your skinny little ass. Now onward we go!"
And with that, Trevor walked out of my apartment, carrying me all the way outside. I seriously didn't wanna leave my apartment, but I was way too tired and weak to fight him back right now. So... Here we go, I guess.
Trevor ended up taking me to this small bar restaurant, but I still felt like complete crap, and it took all my strength in me to not immediately fall asleep on the bar counters.
"Come on Sofija, you gotta cheer you at least a little bit!" Trevor says. "I'm just trying to help you out here."
"If you really wanna help me, then put a bullet through my head." I sarcastically grumbled in response, Trevor raising an eyebrow at me as he sighed.
"Christ... You're even starting to depress me now."
"Why are you even trying to help me out then?" I asked. "It'd be better for both of us if you just left me alone today."
"You kidding me? It's because we're friends!" Trevor replies. "I mean, shit... I can't fucking stand seeing you like this, especially when I can't do a damn thing about it."
I was silent, unsure of how to respond at first.
"What? What's the problem?" Trevor asked.
"Nothing. It's just... I've never really had a friend before who cared for me like this." I responded. "Thanks for... Trying to help." I gave a weak smile, Trevor smiling back. I could suddenly then hear a loud growling within my stomach.
"Christ, how long has it been since you've eaten? Sounds like you have a demon living in your stomach."
"Heh, yeah... Sometime yesterday, I don't even remember." I chuckled a bit.
"Maybe I did need this after all."

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