Monkey buisness || Chapter 16

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Man, what the fuck is wrong with me? I said I'd only be living with Franklin for a couple of days, but... How long has it been now? Over a damn MONTH. I seriously was not expecting to still be at his place for this long. I feel bad having to still live at his place. At this point, I've started doing extra chores around his house. Cleaning, cooking, almost acting more like a maid than a roommate at this point. I'm just trying to do everything I can to not be a burden to Franklin. He probably thinks I'm going nuts at this point, too. He still surprisingly doesn't seem to mind me living here for this long, but I don't wanna stick around for too much longer.
And believe me, I'm still trying to come up with a plan to get the IAA and Karen off my back and away from my place. But I'm at a complete loss at what to do. Trevor and Michael can't help me because they still can't enter the city just yet... I've talked to Franklin and Packie about this too. They offered to help me out with whatever I needed, but I really don't wanna burden them or put them in a situation where they get hurt. If they ever got hurt, or god forbid killed under my plans, I know it'd be entirely my fault.
...Oh. And another thing? I finally found a way to bring my car from Liberty City back down to Los Santos. I asked and paid Roman to have one of his employees drive my car down here, so in a few days or so, I'll finally have my car back! Man, I'm excited to finally have it back. That's one good thing in my life at least.
...And I'm still worried about making my plans... But for now, I need to worry about that another time. You know that job we were supposed to do for the FIB? That job that we had to fund with the Paleto Bay score? Well, that's happening today. I don't even know what the hell this job is exactly, but I just hope it's something that's easy... Or, somewhat easy at least.
Anyways, Franklin drove the both of us out to where we were all supposed to meet. It was nighttime when we both arrived at the location. The spot was this small secluded beach outside the city, both of us seeing Trevor and Michael there. Shortly after arriving, Steve and Dave showed up as well.
"...Hey! Where's the other two?" Steve asked, all of us looking confused.
"What other two?" Michael asked.
"W-we told you to bring along six!" Steve says. "This is a six man job!"
"No you didn't." Michael says.
"Dave did!" Steve says, pointing to him.
"No, Dave didn't!"
"You said you'd do it." Dave replied.
"That is a frickin' lie!" Steve snapped. "I do not get things wrong."
"Alright, great. Then we're out of here." Michael says, all of us about to walk away. "Fuck it, let's go."
"Nah-ah-ah-ah." Steve quickly stopped us. "You four can do it alone."
"And die? Fuck you!" Michael snapped back defensively. "You do your own dirty work!"
"Hey, I do my dirty work every day! Keeping the country safe from scum like you." Steve huffed back.
"And you doin' a great job, sir." Franklin says, doing a sarcastic, slow clap.
"Hey. You want this job done?" Trevor asks. "Then come with us, huh? Come on. Come on, Mr. Leisure Wear! Mr. Depressed Accountant. Let's go save America!"
"Who the fuck are we saving it from this time?" Franklin asked.
"This is the real deal." Steve says. "My sources are convinced there's a plot in International Affairs, y'know, the Agency. And they're using this facility to make a serious nerve toxin."
"Haha, bullshit!" Trevor remarked sarcastically.
"Yeah! Which they plan, in their mind blowing insanity, to let a major terrorist release on a metropolitan area." Steve states. "So they can continue to get funding. Nothing increases funding for fighting terrorism more than successful acts of terrorism!"
"So so, alright. So let me get this straight, then. You're-"
"No no no no no, there is no getting this straight, that's the point." Steve says, quickly cutting off Trevor. "Now, we're doing this! Or should I say you're doing this... You two." Steve pointed to me and Michael. "You're both going in there with Dave." Then he pointed to Franklin and Trevor. "And you two are on getaway. Fuck off and make it happen!"
"The hell? You too pussy to come with us?" I asked.
"Nah, I just think five is good enough!" Steve says, walking away to this nearby trunk. "Michael, Sofija! What size flipper you both wear?"
...Agh, man. Steve said this was a six person job, now it's just five of us on this. I just hope this goes smoothly. I could tell Michael was pretty annoyed by all this as well.
Well, me, Michael and Dave, all put these wetsuits, the three of us all hopping onto this dinghy, driving off in the water along the coastline.
"Fucking Steve... Like he seriously couldn't come along on this bullshit mission." Michael angrily huffed.
"Relax, Michael... The sooner we get this all done with, the better. Trust me." Dave responds.
"Trust you? By the time I get around to trusting either of you Davey, I'll probably be fucking dead from this trip." Michael snapped back. "Or one of us will be."
"No one is dying on my watch." Dave responded. "Not even the burnt out bank robber with temper issues and nothing to live for."
The dinghy then slowed down to a halt in this one spot.
"This is the bay. We can get in through the discharge tunnel." Dave says. We all put our diving masks on, jumping into the water. Me and Michael both followed Dave through the darkened underwater.
"There's gonna be a grate we have to get through that's guarding the outlet." Dave says. "Sofija, you got the cutter?"
"Yup, I got it."
"Good. Once we get to it, immediately start cutting through it."
We quickly arrived at the grate. I pulled out the hydro cutter, slowly getting to work on cutting the grate open.
"Be careful, that thing is burning at over three thousand degrees." Dave states. "And that cutter has a limited supply of fuel, so don't use it for too long."
"Yeah yeah, don't worry. I've got this... I've worked with things way more dangerous than this cutter." I casually responded, continuing to cut the grate open.
This cutter was actually pretty cool, though. I wish I could keep it for myself, heheh...
Soon I was then able to finish cutting the grate, pushing it out of the way as we all continued with swimming down the tunnels.
"Once we reach the end of this tunnel, we'll be inside of the facility." Dave says. "I know where to go through here, so just follow and stay behind me."
"You sure this thing comes out where you think it does?" Michael asks.
"Yes, the intel is good. We're about a hundred yards out." Dave responds.
"Ah, I feel like I'm giving a colonoscopy to the Statue of Happiness." Micheal remarks sarcastically.
"Is it weird that I wouldn't even mind doing that?" I jokingly state. "Then I can find out if that statue actually has a beating heart or not... You can join me if you'd like, Michael."
"Yeah, I think I'm good, thank you." Michael chuckled in response.
Heh, I remember when I was younger, I used to hear rumors that the Statue of Happiness had, like... An actual beating heart in it. Like it was somehow alive or some shit. I used to be so obsessed with that rumor, too... I remember when I was younger, me and my dad visited the statue, and we got kicked out of the area because I kept trying to find a way to climb the statue. Even years ago, I ended up receiving a temporary ban from visiting the statue cause I kept trying to break into it, heheh.
"Final turbine... We're nearly there." Dave says. Swimming past the turbine, we were now officially inside of the lab.
"That's an airpocket. Take it up to the surface." Dave says. The three of us all swam upwards, finally reaching and grabbing onto this ladder. Climbing up the ladder, we were now inside this tiny, empty room, the door to the room being closed. All of us took our scuba masks and oxygen tanks off, getting our weapons ready. Me and Michael both had stun guns, and Dave had a regular shotgun.
"Alright, you two ready?" Dave asks.
"I was born ready." I nodded, holding up my stun gun.
"What exactly is the plan here?" Michael asks.
"We locate the nerve toxin, and quickly make our escape strategy." Dave states. "Simple as that."
"Yeah, I have a hard time believing it's gonna be that simple." Michael says sarcastically.
...I don't know if it's just my conspiracy theorist brain talking, but it was actually, like...Really exhilarating sneaking inside of a top-secret government lab like this. I've always been curious about what really goes on behind the scenes when it comes to stuff like this. I need to focus, though. I'm on a mission here...
"And lab workers we run into... Make sure to quickly stun them." Dave states. "We need to keep this operation as non-lethal as possible. Alright?"
Me and Michael both nodded, Dave opening the door. Immediately we were faced with a lab worker, who was about to freak out. Michael quickly used the stun gun on him though, knocking him out. We quickly made our way down the hallway, running into another worker, who I stunned and knocked out this time. Turning the corner, we reached a couple of elevators.
"Careful. Someone's coming down." Dave says. We waited a few seconds as the elevator opened up, and I quickly stunned and knocked out the worker. The worker ended up dropping this swipe card, that I quickly picked up, the three of us going into the elevator. Choosing the right floor, we all waited as the elevator quickly went up.
"To the right. Let's go." Dave says. We go right, seeing a room with a couple of lab workers who quickly notice us, but both me and Michael knocked them out right away. Going down a couple more hallways and corridors, the three of us quickly ducked behind a wall.
"Wait. A couple of security guards are approaching." Dave whispered. We all waited, keeping our stun guns ready in case they noticed us... But luckily they didn't.
"Almost there... This next room needs the card to open it." Dave says. We all arrived at the next door. I quickly swiped the card, opening the door... Where we could see the room.
"Give us access!" Dave shouted to the lab worker inside the small room. The worker held his hands up as Dave tried to open the door, but it refused to budge.
"I don't know what you think you're doing!" The lab worker nervously shouted.
"The locking mechanism is triggered from the inside..." Dave says. All of us then noticed another worker, about to walk into the room.
"Stay here... I've got this." I said quietly. I ducked down next to the door, pulling out a normal gun. I waited until the other lab worker walked into the room, as I quickly stood up, aiming my gun at him.
"Back it up. Unless you want your brains splattered all over this wall." I threatened. The lab worker quickly put his hands up as well, quickly backing up all the way against the wall.
"You wanna see his very large brains smeared on that glass? Open up!" Dave shouted threateningly. The lab worker quickly scooted over to the door, opening it up. Me and Dave kept our guns fixated on the two lab workers, while Michael went inside of the room, carefully placing the nerve toxin in his pocket.
"Alright, let's hurry... That nerve toxin needs to be placed in a refrigeration unit..." Dave says sternly.
"Warning! Facility has been breached! Facility has been breached!" I could suddenly hear alarms going off, a voice over a loudspeaker echoing over the area. Honestly with how much people we'd knocked out, I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner.
We were immediately faced with a bunch of security guards with guns, all of us having to switch to our regular guns and shoot them. There was more and more guards through all the hallways and corridors, all of us having to shoot through them and slowly making out way out of the building.
"Left up here... We're getting closer to the exit!" Dave shouts. Walking into another room and taking out a few more guards, the room was filled with monkeys that were inside of cages, all of them screeching like crazy. Man, poor monkeys... I hate to think of what they've gone through behind these walls. I'd totally release them all from their cages if I wasn't in the middle of this mission right now...
"Alright, final push..." Dave says, about to kick open the next door. "A distress signal will have been sent out now... Expect reinforcements."
Dave kicked open the door, and now we could see the exit... But of course, there was a bunch of military men out there.
We all had to duck down behind crates and pillars and such, quickly shooting and taking out all the military men. Outside as well, we could also see the refrigeration unit. Michael quickly ran over to the unit, putting the nerve toxin inside of it. Now in the nearby distance, I could see the giant helicopter that Trevor was piloting flying towards us. The helicopter slowly flew down, ropes tightening around the refrigeration unit. The three of us hopped onto the helicopter, flying safely out of the area. Now flying back over to the truck Franklin was in, the unit was dropped onto the back of it. Trevor quickly landed the helicopter, the three of us getting out as he quickly flew off.
"Hey, Frank." Michael greeted Franklin who got out of the truck, walking up to us.
"What's crackin... So the chemical weapon in there, right?" Franklin asks.
"If it even is a chemical weapon. Hell, it could be shaving cream for all I know... By ths way, next time you're getting wet." Michael says, pointing to Franklin as he quickly turned to Dave. "Oh, but there won't be a next time will there, Davey? There never is."
"I'll do my best for you... I always try." Dave says, waving goodbye to us as he started walking away.
"Just keep your heads down, you two... Alright?"

Packie's POV...
Fuck, I'm so mad at myself... I promised Niko that I'd help out with Sofija's situation, but I haven't done a damn thing yet.
...No moping around, though. That problems gonna end today. Cause I have a plan now.
Well, all night, I've been watching over the apartment building Sofija lived in. There was these two men that were waiting around outside all night, and I had to watch until one of them left. Once the other man was alone, I quickly snuck up on him... And knocked him out.
Luckily I was then able to quickly drag the man back to my car without anyone noticing.
Now I need to call Sofija... Then we can really get this plan rolling.

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