Chapter 2

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Kia's pov

  I make my way towards the bathroom still puzzled about the previous events. I try not to think about it, but in my head I know damn well I should be worried. I shouldn't just jump to conclusions and say 'oh he is crazy!' but the look on his face was so scary; it had so many emotions that I did not like at all. It was like the man that I once dated, and is now married to wasn't himself. Even though it was just a alarm clock change he did, it still creeped me out to the extent because I just wanted to know why he did it, but I am also terrified for the answer.

  Having more time than the past couple days allowed me to take a long shower and actually look presentable. I go to the kitchen and make myself a simple breakfast. I hear footsteps coming towards the kitchen and I already know who it is. Harry walks in looking & acting completely normal and he even trys to do the 'oh hello sweetheart' thing with me like he's always done. This time I wasn't having it. I know I shouldn't be all worked up off of a alarm change, but his presence is now giving me an eerie feeling. Deep down I know something isn't right.

  "So Kia since our jobs take up most of our alone time I think we should have a date tonight", Harry says.

  "I work over-time tonight instead of getting off at 6:00pm I get off at eight", I tell him.

  "Well I didn't say it had to be all fancy we could have it in our backyard"

  "Okay.. I guess so Harry"

  Harry smiles and kisses me goodbye, so he could go get dressed for work. He works as a construction man, but luckily for him his hours start later than mine. I myself cleaned up my dish and headed outside.

  While walking down my drive way I saw a receipt by Harry's car, and being curious about what it was I willingly picked it up. The receipt was from Wal-Mart. It shows that he paid more than $100 on cooking knifes, disposable hand gloves, an all purpose cleaning spray, and even some trash bags.

  "What are you doing sweetheart?", Harry voice says from behind me.

  I slowly turned around scared as hell because from what I read those are the perfect things to murder somebody with. The items just screamed 'leave', and that's exactly what I want to do in this current situation.

  "Oh.. nothing babe!", I say nervously, but somehow persuasively.

  "I bought that yesterday; it's for the house", he says bluntly.


  "What is on those receipts that you are holding is what I bought for the house", he says as if it is obvious.

  Harry explains that he bought everything so he can start helping around the house more. His story adds up, but so does the story I have in my head; maybe it's because I watched all of those 'The First 48" episodes. I am thinking like a detective right now when I probably shouldn't. He always had his ways of making feel like I am over thinking the situation, and that is what he is currently doing right now. Since our date is tonight and my shift starts in 30 minutes, I decide to let my inner detective rest and say my goodbyes once again to Harry so I can go to work.

  Finally my shift ends after the hard day. I have been working for hours everyday, but it is nice to know I have the next couple days off due to that.

  When I pull up into my driveway I feel a wash of relief that I am finally home. The house looks like it usually does, but this time a soft glow of light from my backyard is faintly shown from the front of my house. I slowly park my car in the garage. My feet hurriedly rushes inside to see what that glow was; from what I saw it looked beautiful.

  "Hey", Harry speaks.

  He was dressed in his basic manly attire which reminded me that I should go change my outfit. As I was just about to excuse my self to go change he started talking.

  "No. Don't go you honestly look perfect like this", he spoke and then smiled after.

   I smiled at his sweet remark and followed him because he suddenly turned his heel and went towards the backyard.

  "Wait up! What are you doing?", I said playfully.

  We stepped into our backyard which was not the same as it always been. Tonight our backyard looked lively and purposefully cute whereas other nights it would look like a regular one. I was in shock, but that was until I remembered that tonight was our date night.

  "This is wonderful harry.. I honestly have no words"

  I didn't understand how something so simple could be so intriguing. It was a simple candlelit dinner with lights hung on the trees. He smiles at me and guides me to my seat. The meal he prepared was oven baked pizza, but I honestly didn't care; it was actually kind of cute. I sipped on my water and conversed with him. The strange thing is..that after a couple of sips I had this light headed feeling.

  Since I felt so dizzy, I politely told Harry I had to lay down somewhere because I felt like at any minute I could pass out. Harry completely understood and helped me to the bed.

  "Goodnight Harry", I spoke with my eyes close.

  I didn't receive a response so I opened my eyes and there Harry stood staring with that same evil expression. I repeated what I said before, but I still didn't get a 'goodnight' back. Instead Harry kept his creepy expression and walked out the room. Who did I marry?


So if anyone is confused on why he keeps doing this 'evil stare' its beacause he is planning something, and if  you read the prologue you would know what that something is ;). Harry is ofc a murderer in this book, and he didn't even know he was until something snapped inside of him. Its not like he's unhappy with the relationship.. He just wants her gone lol. Since I don't really want to rush this story the main drama won't happen till a couple more chapters. Okk just clearing things up byeee :D


eerie¹ strange and frightening.

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