Chapter 14

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Harry's Pov

"Huh? I just came to ask you if you wanted any cake", I say friendly while waving the knife.

"We are in the middle of an investigation and you offer us cake?", one of the officers speaks.

I reply with a smile but they brush it off and went back to their search. They looked to where the scream was, but had no luck. One of the officers kept wearily looking back at me; he's suspicious. The men looked everywhere in the room but finally decided to look elsewhere.

They walk out of the bedroom and are about to go to where Kia is, but I stop them.

"Oh that room is off limits", I say while putting my hand on his chest.

"Yeah and so is my body", the officer replies and pushes my hand off.

The two men continued their quest to get inside the room. The door opened which allowed them to see the gruesome sight.

They instantly tackled me on the ground but I fought back by trying to stab them. The two of them restrained my body from doing anything. The authoritative man got out his tazer and used it on me since I wasn't complying. The knife jolted out of my hand and my body went into a shocked frenzy. I hear Kia shouting in happiness behind me.

They call for back up on their walkie talkies and continued to hold me down. One of them got out their hand cuffs and put it tightly on my risk; almost cutting off my circulation. I was groaning in pain and sorrow as of right now.

They stated my rights and picked me up off of the floor. As we were walking out the ambulance came walking in. My face was in sadness as I knew my fate was to come. I killed and injured so many people which means badness will be happening soon. I see that a few of the neighbors are out looking in confusion of what Is going on. They lock me up in the backseat of the flashing car and I see Kia and a body bag getting wheeled out. Kia looks at me from my tinted window and flips me off. We are now both inside the cars but they go separate ways.

"Excuse me officers you might want to follow that ambulance I am hurt too", I say in fake pain.

"Yeah yeah", they say at the same time.

We have been driving for about 25 minutes until we finally reached the station.

Kia's Pov

There was two ambulances and sadly Mr.Waltzin was dead in the other one. No words can describe how happy I am that I've made it out alive, but I am so dearly sad that the others didn't. The drive to the hospital is fairly long which gives me time to think; is it over?

Will Harry get life or even death in prison? Or will he somehow find a way to get out and actually kill me this time? I stop my over thinking when we finally make it to the destination.

I am set on the ground and wheeled into the emergency room. They are frantic as they look at my beat up body. I see some of my co workers looking at me in pity. I am instantly led inside of a room to get help.


Sorry for the short-ish update! I might double update though since it ended kinda choppy lol

So what do you think will happen :)

Ty ♥

Question: long chapters with fairly slow updates or kind of short chapters with fast updates?

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