Chapter 21

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Harry's Pov

I've been aimlessly driving for the last twenty minutes. After leaving Walgreens I've had no sight of Russ and that man; but I have a feeling that won't be for long. The streets are getting foggy and so are my eyes so I pull over to a gas station and park the car.

"I'll just get sixteen minutes of sleep and I'll be back on the road again", I convince myself while closing my eyes.

When I open my eyes I see sunshine which means one thing; I slept way past those sixteen minutes.

"Shit shitty shit", I say while looking around to see any sight of those men.

"I could have got murdered!", I yell still not believing that I overslept.

Russ's Pov

"Where is he? We have been looking for that little ass for hours Russ! Bug wants this boy", Alan yells while adjusting his jet black glasses.

"Well shit bitch I don't know", I say to him.

"Well shit, you better find out"

I shrug off my partner's attitude and stare out the window. When I was at the gas station chatting it up with the ladies, Harry ditched me, so I had to call up this assholes number. Alan and I must have made a wrong turn because we still can't find Harry anywhere.

"Oh god, you know how Bug is! If we don't give him this boy then he won't give us our lives.. I cannot die", Alan exclaims while pulling over to a gas station.

"Aye look over there! That looks like my mustang", I excitedly say.

As soon as I speak, the mustang begins to drive away from the station. I see Harry's face as he drives down the road.

"Oh shit! It's lover boy Alan.. follow him", I say eager to get him and my car back.

Alan obeys my request and quickly drives behind him. We decide to scare Harry and shoot a bullet in the sky. The sound of the gun shot hilariously made Harry increase his speed. Alan then unexpectedly shoots one of the tires.

"OH HELL NO", I shout at Alan for shooting my car.

Alan just laughs and we see Harry swerve a little bit. Alan then continues to shoot at my precious car until Harry stops in the road.

Harry's Pov

Russ's rude ass friend shot all of the tires which made the car break down; I'm so dead. I see the two men exit the car and walk towards the car.

"Well today isn't your lucky day now is it? My name is Alan, but you can call me your worse nightmare", the man with the dark glasses says.

"Well I didn't really ask for your name, but okay", I say back.

Alan just looks at me with distaste and opens my door. He then drags my body out of the car. I fall flat on my ass which makes the two men laugh.

"Oh shit boy the chips and now the concrete!", Russ laughs once again.

I help myself up from the floor and look at the two of them. They look at each other before grabbing both of my arms and dragging me into their car.

"Help me!", I yell.

"For you being a murderer you sure do scream a lot", Russ says in shock.

I just continue screaming as they tie me up in the backseat. Alan and Russ then get into the leather car to start driving. We drive in silence for a bit until Russ breaks it.

"It's so quiet in here! Let's get the jams coming in", Russ says while turning on the radio. Some pop song comes on, but it makes him happy.

"If I was your girl, if I was your girl I'd give it to ya all around the worrrrld", he horribly sings to some girl voice on the radio.

Alan turns the station and tells Russ to shut up, but the song that comes on makes him even more happier.

"Baby won't you come my way! Got something I want to sa-", Russ's singing gets cut off by Alan once again yelling at him and turning off the radio.

We now silently drive as we pass up a few rest stops and stores. I try to convince them that they don't have to do this but they tell me to sit still.

"Come on guys! You can drop me off at a store and we won't have any issues", I try to persuade the two men.

Alan and Russ just laugh and continue to drive to who knows where. I see that we are finally driving pass buildings which means we entered a new city.

"Oh my gosh! We are in San Francisco let's go to the golden state bridge", Russ says in amusement.

"Russ are you a hitman or a little girl who strangely knows pop songs on the radio", Alan says.

Russ just looks at him and continues to smile at the veiw.


Once again for the 1000000000000000th time thank you guys sm for reading.

Shout out to phsycoticfreak bc her book is good af & vreadings bc so are hers pls read them!

It's literally 12:00am and I'm up writing on a sleepy mind so sorry if this sucks lmao, but I surely do promise that the next chapter will be longer lol :)

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