chapter 45

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I sat at a table with Tae-hoon, Soo-ah, Su-ho, Jjoo and Seo-jun as we were doing a group project. "Woahh, when did you two start dating?" Si-hyun walks up to us and asks Jjoo.

"It hasn't been long," Jjoo says shyly.

"Ever since the school trip," I respond to her.

"Since back then?" Tae-hoon stutters, "Why you," He puts his head down on the table in anger.

"Hey, I have a question," Hyun-kyu walks up to our table as well and stands next to Si-hyun, "When was your first kiss?" He has a red converse on his hand as a mic.

"During the school tri—" Jjoo launches herself over to Su-ho and covers his mouth with her hand.

"You idiot!" Si-hyun hits Hyun-kyu's arm in frustration, "Why are you asking that?"

"What?" Hyun-kyu tries to dodge the hits.

"You jerk!" Si-hyun continues hitting him, "Even I think that's wrong!"

"You guys hate everything I do," My attention is disturbed by a foot kicking mine, I look up and see Seo-jun smiling, 'What?' I mouth.

'You look pretty,' He mouths back and I kick his foot hard so he winces and grabs it.

'Don't be weird,' I scold and he grins larger before reaching over the table and grabbing my hand.

"Ya," I whisper yell so no one noticed us, "What're you doing?"

"Checking my bracelet," He pulls my sleeve up a bit and holds his wrist next to mine and looking at our bracelets next to each other, "Good," He holds my hand and I'm stunned into silence, the classroom door opens and I immediately whip my hand out of his and he pouts at me but I just stick my tongue out at him, trying to calm my racing heart.

"'The snow must've tried again and again,'" Mr. Han reads, pacing slowly in front of the class. "'To make the flower bloom on the swaying branch, it must have knocked again and again,'" My attention span ends and I look around the class, my eyes finally falling on Seo-jun, he's currently extremely focused on Mr. Han and he's not paying attention to his paper. I grab my pencil and lean over and draw a 'small' penis on the corner of his sheet, giggling. Mr. Han walks behind our desk and looks at us and I quickly try to angle my body to hide the penis drawing, he looks over at our table not looking at his book anymore, "'Look at the beauty that has finally succeeded in blooming,'" Is he talking about my penis? I knew I was artistic but I didn't realize I was that great at drawing.

"'Every spring, the branches burst open, the most beautiful wounds from where they were burned,'" Seo-jun looks back at his notes and then looks up at me, looking done with my bullshit, I cover my mouth and fall in to silent laughter, my stomach hurting from the amount I was laughing. "How was that?" Mr. Han asks all of us and we all clap, I don't remember one thing he just said.

"I'm taking Ju-kyung and Ha-eun today!" Soo-ah says at the end of the day, looking back at Su-ho and Seo-jun and hooks arms with me and drags the two of us away. We roamed through the Seoul streets and went to a K-pop store before finally stopping at a food stand selling corn dogs. "They look so hot in this cover picture," Soo-ah looks at her ATEEN album.

"Daebak, daebak, how long has it been since CRASH has released a song?" Jjoo squeals over a random heavy metal band CD.

"You look so cute but you like heavy metal?" Soo-ah looks at Jjoo's CD, "That's so unexpected," We ordered our food and walked back down the street.

"Let's see what's in Hye-min's bag!" Se-mi and her friend's grab onto Hye-min's backpack and I frown, didn't Seo-jun's warning scare them enough? "Let's see,"

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