[bonus chapter 1]

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This was it.

The happiest day of my life.

Well, it was supposed to be.

At the moment, I couldn't be more stressed. Every fucking thing that could be going wrong was going wrong! Well, not really but when you're already stressed the fuck out every little problem feels like the end of the world. Right now, I sat in front of the mirror, on the verge of tears because the hairstyle I had previously wanted didn't look right anymore. "Do you want me to change it?" My worried hairstylist asks.

"I don't know!" I cry, "All of Korea's gonna be watching our wedding,"

"I think it looks good," Jjoo remarks from the other side of the room.

"It doesn't!" I hiccup back, sniffling. Thankfully, Jjoo still hasn't done my makeup so I don't have anything to ruin with my tears, yet.

"Then let's change it," My hairstylist takes a step forward anxiously.

"But now I don't know if it looks good!" I moan, "Jjoo says it looks good but I don't think it looks good, so who's right?"

"It's your wedding day, so I would assume it's your choice," Ms. Jin—the hairstylist—offers comfort.

"Eun-ah," Jjoo walks over to me and holds my hands, "Deep breaths," I inhale and exhale heavily before finally calming down slightly.

"Ms. Jin, just do whatever you think would look good, I trust your judgement," Ms. Jin looks a tad bit more relaxed at my words and gets to work on my hair, she weaves her skillful fingers through my silky dark hairs and after half an hour she finally stills and takes a step back to examine her work. I look up at the mirror in nervous excitement and gasp at the final product, "Thank you, Ms. Jin!" I exclaim happily, "I love you!" I look over at the full length mirror and do a little spin, looking at the dress Jjoo and I had picked a few days ago.


"This is the fifth fucking store, just pick one already," Jjoo complains and tugs on my arm.

"It's so difficult, you'll get it when you get married," I chide and she just rolls her eyes like a teenager going through puberty, "Idiot, remember when I spent the whole day searching for Su-ho's necklace with you?"

"I said I was sorry!" She bumps my shoulder with her own and I laugh.

"You didn't even say thank you that day," I hang my head disappointedly and she hides her blushing face in her hands. Jjoo pulls me into a small wedding boutique with phenomenal reviews that we had found yesterday (it was still the eighth one out of ten and we had been out for almost 4 hours now).

"If you don't find one here, I'm murdering you," Jjoo mutters as a saleswoman comes to greet us at the door.

I've tried out 5 dresses so far. I do not like a single one. There's always something wrong with them, too frilly, too scandalous, too modest, too tight, too loose, too this, too that. Wedding dress shopping is gonna start showing up in my nightmares. The helpful workers pull me into another dress as I sigh in frustration, 8 stores, hundreds upon hundreds of dresses, and nothing?

I feel them zip up the back of the dress and I shift uncomfortably for a second as they spin the stand around to face the full length mirror on the back of the huge change room. The second I looked at myself I knew it was a done deal, sealed, enveloped and sent. The white hugged my body perfectly until right on hips where it slowly and elegantly fanned outwards, the small intricate little lace flowers on the top that faded to pure white on the bottom made it look like something a princess would wear. I gasp and turn to the side a bit to see the back of the dress and it was backless with the strings you'd use to tie up a corset on the back, connecting to the spaghetti strap sleeves of the dress. And wait till you see the fucking veil that comes with it. The worker put it over my head, smiling at my reaction. The dress already trailed behind me quite a bit but with the veil it literally looked like something a princess would wear. And the veil had little butterflies on it! They were really condensed towards the bottom and slowly distanced as they got closer to my head. Fuck the other stores, I'm buying this one. "Are you ready to show your friend, Miss?" A worker asks and I nod silently, she slowly spins me back around and opens the curtain. Jjoo looks up from her phone at the sound and covers her mouth with both her hands at the sight of me.

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