
14 1 1



If this is how God intended my journey to be, I feel like he's a bit of a twisted guy. And yeah, I know, if Eden catches me speaking ill of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit then I'd be better off in Hell compared to the wrath she's going to bring. 

Admittedly, things with Jonesie have been moderately okay. Didn't know he'd be snoring in the afterlife, otherwise I would've packed my earplugs. But other than that, I can't complain. I do. But I shouldn't. We've been in this trial run for about three weeks now? Whatever three weeks is here anyways. Time is weird here. In three weeks though, I've begun to let my guard down and at least try to be the me I used to be when we were in love. Cooking for him, making trinkets for him that I spent way too long on, and pretending to laugh at his - excuse me for this - GOD AWFUL dad jokes. They're probably more painful to listen to than being crushed by a vending machine. 

Today though, he's quiet. 



"What's your deal today? I think I can count on one hand the amount of times you've talked to me today and I'm just a little concered I guess."

He rolls over in bed to face the wall, away from me. 

I nudge him in his side with my knee, "Jonesie, come on. You've been all bubbly up until now and if I've done something, I need you to tell me because we're not going to make it to the end of this without communicating."

Without turning to face me, he mutters something under his breath. It was barely audible, but I'm certain it wasn't nice.

"Look, if you're going to act like this then I'm going to go shower or something."

"Why would you shower? We're dead," he answers, still somewhat under his breath. 

"Oh fuck off. I'm uncomfortably aware that we're dead but it's still nice to shower sometimes. It's warm, unlike your blissful fucking attitude." I throw myself out of the bed and start to storm out. He is so irritating all of the time. How could he POSSIBLY think we're right for each other.

"This. This is why."

I turn around to him shifting in the bed again. Now he's facing me and tears stream down his face. 

God, for being in Heaven, this is truly fucking dreadful. I'm ready for this to be over. But, instead, I bite.

"Why what, Jonesie?" I ask, shifting my weight against the doorframe.

"You only care what's going on until it's not going your way and then I'm the bad guy. How the hell is that fair Austin? I'm so sorry that I'm in a bad mood today and I don't feel like talking. My apologies for not being the life of your party!" 

"Seriously?! I was asking what's wrong because I was concerned. You're acting the same way you did before-"

"Before what? Go on Austin. Remind us both of the absolutely vile thing that I did to you. Because this is the Austin Show after all. What did I do?" 

"God I fucking hate you."

I slam the door behind me as I walk out.

Eden appears in front of me, in the hallway, resulting in my having a phantom heart attack. 

"I'm going to ask Him to smite you if you don't cut it out. What is so hard about respecting His name? He brought you to HEAVEN for goodness sake!"

"I'm not dealing with you right now," I groan, pushing past her and towards the kitchen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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