Chapter 2: A Fight!?

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Three weeks have passed since you arrived in South Park, and the whole school seems to know who you are already. Despite only talking to a few people, everyone seems to recognize you in the hallways, greeting you even though you have no recollection of ever meeting them before. The strange familiarity of it all is a bit unsettling, but you always return their greetings anyway, determined not to let it get to you. Despite the initial weirdness, you're starting to settle into the school and the town, gradually feeling more comfortable at each passing day.

Over the past few weeks, you've grown closer to Kyle's group. Kenny, Stan, and Kyle himself have occasionally invited you to join them for lunch, and you've become real close with the girls, too. While they may have their share of issues, they've been nothing but kind towards you, and their juicy gossip is always entertaining.

As you sit in English class, trying to make sense of the same sentence you've read a countless number of times, the boredom is almost palpable. You let out a heavy sigh and glance around the room in search of something, anything, to break the monotony. That's when your eyes land on a ginger-haired boy. As soon as you catch his stare, he quickly looks away, You can't help but notice his flushed ears and the adorable shyness in his demeanour. You let out a soft chuckle, imagining the cute embarrassment on his face. Just then, the bell rings, signaling the end of class. It's finally over, you can now leave this boring class. As you gather your things and exit the classroom, Wendy rushes towards you, embracing you in a warm hug. "Heyyyy Y/n!" she exclaims eagerly, her smile lighting up her face. You return the gesture, mimicking her upbeat tone as you greet her back, "Heyyy Wendyy!". As you make your way through the corridors, Wendy chats away, expressing her excitement at the prospect of having you join her and her friends for lunch. She teases Kyle's habit of taking all your time for himself, adding an amusing touch to her complaint. "sit with us in lunch! I really hope that broflovski didn't ask you yet" you giggled at her slight complaint of kyle hogging you all to himself and his group. "don't worry, I was planning on sitting with you guys anyway" a sweet smile plastered on your face as wendys face lights up. she squeals before basically shoving all your things to ur locker and locking arms with you on the way to the cafeteria.

You and Wendy make your way to the crowded cafeteria.

It was loud.

Really loud.

A little too loud.

The sound of shouting and chanting reaching your ears. The large open space is filled with students gathered in circles, cheering and egging on two individuals who appear to be engaged in a physical altercation. Wendy looks at you with concern, both of you confused at the commotion unfolding before you. With a sense of dread, you push your way through the tightly packed crowd, searching for any signs of what's causing all the commotion. With each step, you can feel the tension rising, and you begin to regret leaving Wendy alone. Even with the crowding students around you, you catch a glimpse of some blood splatters on the floor. Wendy grabs your arm and pulls you out of the crowding students. "Y/n, get a teacher!" Wendy commands, pushing you towards the nearest exit, With a sense of urgency, you nod to Wendy and immediately run off to find a teacher.

You finally spot a teacher and pull them aside, explaining the situation in a breathless rush.

The teacher nods, quickly taking control of the situation and rushing to the cafeteria, shouting for everyone to disperse. Slowly but surely, the crowd begins to disperse, and the chants subside. As the commotion in the cafeteria settles down, the teacher instructs you and the remaining students to exit the area. You nod quickly and start to leave, but before you go, you manage to catch a brief glimpse of the two participants in the fight. You see a tall, blue figure and a shorter and bigger red figure, still grappling with each other. After a moment's hesitation, you decide to comply with the teacher's orders and leave the scene behind, making your way to your next class. You texted Wendy to ask where she was and if she was okay, her immediately replying that she was fine and in class. you sigh in relief as you open the door, ready to embrace another boring class. I guess it wont be as boring while you think about what happened at lunch. lunch.
"I didn't get to eat at all."
You cursed in your head. oh well, just eat at home!

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