pied piper

72 10 39

Not edited. Excuse grammatical errors.

(many many many years later)
present time

In my homeland, we had a tale passed down for centuries about a man falling in love with a human from another world beyond our boundaries. It was deemed as the most romantic story ever because he went searching for them through the galaxy. Whether it's true remains a mystery, it was what I liked to remember.

I was already a little over twenty, and it was time for me to embrace my powers. Like tradition, when one reached their peak age, they'd embrace their powers and possibly find a mate.

That's what we were told, but it was not always like that.

Lately, I'd been dreaming of being in multiple places with someone. I could never see their face; it was blurry. There was a familiarity that strangely felt warm, like it was a part of me.

I didn't think much of it until I kissed them with all that I had, and they said my name. My body woke without warmth that night and shook frivolously. My throat was dry, and it felt like my spirit was taken with the kiss.

Then, I started hearing melodies in my ear and smelling fragrances that were not near the town or forest. I did not discover this from going around town sniffing air and making them uncomfortable.

It was scary.

I began to get the nickname pa'adini. It was seen as mockery.

And it meant a pleasing song.

I had to research if there were other cases like this because I was pretty sure my town would think I was nuts if I did anything else out of the norm.

"Lasaya! Are you there?" A voice called out, snapping me back to reality.

"I'm right here!" I replied from my spot in the library.

Surrounded by what held more legends than actual books. It was records from before my time about wars, changes, and more. I figured if I was experiencing this, then someone else must've had to.

The sound of footsteps grew closer, and I was greeted with Mali. She wore her native dress made of leaves and roses with a bit of silk, and her hair was flowing down her back as the runes traced her pale milk skin.

"Why are you still here? Have you heard the news?" She asked leaning against a book isle.

"What news?" I question curiously, as I watch her every movement.

"A human has been spotted, and the council has let them live as long as they don't cross our border." She explained.

"Humanoid? From those stories? They can't be real, " I remark, arching an eyebrow.

"If you'd let me finish, you might find it worth listening to. According to the council, there has been a population of them growing. But it didn't start happening until Lord of Norweillen married one himself."

"Lord of Norweillen?" I gasped suddenly, "Was he the guy to take in the first humanoid?"

Ever since he found a rare species, the world changed significantly. There was a law shift to accommodate the Duchess of Norweillen and their children. I was surprised to hear that he'd married because he was already in his early forties, passing the age for marriage.

I didn't hear much besides what I read from what the newspapers had written.

She nods.

"To be honest, no one has ever really seen him before, so they still believe it's all a lie." She shrugs.

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