pied piper

52 5 67

Not edited.
A/n: excuse minor errors.

In the depths of my sleep, I found myself in an unfamiliar scenario: observing myself from a distance, I saw my body sprawled in different directions. A stranger is hovering over me in a bed. My mind struggles to comprehend everything, but it's still fuzzy in its dreamlike state.

Once I grasped the situation soon, I realized I was me witnessing myself sleeping.

The room surrounds me with a tapestry of unfamiliar faces in framed photos adorning the walls. Soft yellow lights, shaped like butterflies, cast a gentle glow, while outside, the window reveals a serene view. Sounds of birds chirping, wind blowing, and chatter flow in my ears. I snap out of it, watching the scene play out before me.

I was dreaming.

"Maia, Maia, Maia. Wake up." 

How did they know my name? I made sure to keep the information private. Few people knew, though.

The figure blurs with each step I take toward it, and suddenly, I'm no longer observing but experiencing it firsthand.

I can't see anything.

"I need ten more minutes," I mumble, tossing a pillow toward the voice, my grogginess evident.

I want more sleep. That thought dominates what I am thinking. It must be a memory. Was this what I was thinking? It sounds like me.

"I'm not waking you up again. This is the second time already."

"Go eat a corn dog." I retort, pulling the covers over my head, seeking solace in its warmth.

"You're going to be late for work!"

Work? That can wait. Right now, all I crave is more sleep.

Job? Wait I have job? 

"Oh wow?" I say, sinking into the covers more.

The voice dulls into lullabies that enter my ear, and the overwhelming sensation of soft heat caresses my skin. The murmur turns into an instrument playing its tune, luring me into something.

I open my heavy eyelids, expecting to see the figure, but I see cherry blossoms surrounding me, and the water flows beneath me as a boat slowly moves with the tides.

I am in a boat. There's water. Large amounts.

A flute continues playing, and I relax into the boat, letting my body sink into the wooden material.  My head faces the sky with fluffy pink clouds decorating its blue canvas, and I exhale relief.

Despite the questions that run through my mind, the view overrules everything as I take in every detail of the setting.

Sounds. Birds chirp, flying in the air, leaves whistle with the blowing wind, and

My heart beats warmly within me, but I feel nothing.  It's safe.

It was as if I just entered my grandmother's home, filled with candles and other scents, and I could picture myself playing the piano as the adults watched sitcoms.

Piano? Sitcoms?

Memories lick at the back of my mind. Some thoughts tinge with an unknown sense of nostalgia. It's confusing as I am reminded of another version of me that does not exist, but it's familiar. 

I hate it. I rub the temples of my head as I feel a dull ache forming like usual.

"Euphoria...euphoria. Ahh, that's not right."  A soft, airy voice graces my ears, captivating them with its work of art. Humming continues, and I close my eyes to enjoy. It provides relief to the growing inner turmoil.

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