pied piper

23 1 48

Not edited. Needs revision heavily.

"I didn't do it," I state firmly.

Everyone's eyes bore into me with an intensity, conveying their disbelief and accusation. It was like I was under the spotlight, waiting for my audience's approval.

"But no one saw you." The guard interjects.

"How do we know if what you're saying is true? Three hours in, you were not seen by anyone, not even Mali."  Mali's mate, Intosh, speaks up.

"For all we know, it could've been someone else at the border. Honestly, one of us would've..." I trailed off unspoken words hanging in the air with implication. Mali sends an apologetic look my way, and the area falls silent, waiting for me to finish.

In the silence that followed, the inevitable truth hung in the air: Sooner or later, a death would've found itself in the forest.

"I don't know." I brush off the topic, and Mali's mate scoffs at my response.

"It's okay. We believe you if there's no evidence you're clean." My female guardian rubs my shoulder to comfort me, offering a supportive grin.

Jacob's scent cuts through the air, causing a few to submit to his authority. I kneel to show respect and stand to greet him, only to be approached in long strides.

''General J! There ye are.."

"At ease." He commands to those kneeling. "Am I interrupting something?" Questions, examining the drained faces and cold atmosphere despite the bright lamps.

"N-no sire."  The same post guard from earlier answered automatically.  After standing stiffly in place, the guard quickly moves to the woman, sobbing, lifting her from the ground. "There was just a small hiccup. Everybody go back to what you were doing!"

Nervous glances darted around, some seething with frustration and others fidgeting anxiously.

"Wait!" Jacob raises a hand,  his eyes drifting to me. "Are you sure about that?"

"Very small."

"No, it's not!" The woman blurts out, interrupting. Jacob smirks with satisfaction flashing in his eyes. The guard tries silencing her and fails at their attempt. "M-my son is gone, and it's all because of her! It's not fair. This was supposed to be the first festival he's shared with me since he's always far away! I...I can't-I mean." She breaks into shivers.

I pout slightly at her despair.

"She's right! We were celebrating when out of nowhere..."

I can already see where this was going.

"Oh, please." I groan.

"-it swept him up and dust was everywhere within seconds.  He went near—" An elf looks at me briefly, swallowing hard. "I was first to hear him scream. I ran as fast as I could, but it engulfed him within a millisecond, and I couldn't step close, or it would've been me too."

"Alright, that's enough."

"I do faintly remember seeing Lasaya salute in the distance."

I send a glare their way, shutting them up.

"Anything else suspicious about the nova or the disappearance of another elf?"

"Lasaya was not at the festival after—"

"I left for fresh air, but it was not too far!" I interject.

"She disappeared around the same time, too. It could be her! Every time an elf enters nirvana, she is near the site of their death, and last month, she almost killed a dwarf passing by."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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