Chapter 1 - with the boggart

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So the third year on education in Hogwarts for Stella Morgan began. Girl was so excited as she knew that from now on, she will be able to visit Hogsmeade village. It was the only all-wizarding village in Britain and Hogwarts third-years and above had been permitted weekend trips into the village. Stella heard about this place from Prewetts brothers, who already were in their fourth year in the school. And she couldn't wait to visit this place with her friends.

Lily wasn't that excited, although she was certainly looking forward to her first visit to the village. However, Lily's thoughts were mainly focused on Severus. Snape didn't want to travel to Hogwarts with her and Stella. He also didn't spend as much time with Lily as usual during the holidays. Lily felt an abyss beginning to appear between her and her friend. They grow apart with each passing month, but Lily kept trying to reach out to Snape. Despite the fact that Lily was aware of how much Severus was interested in the dark arts. That was what concerned her the most. After talking to Stella about it, the girl decided to let her friend follow his path. Lily, however, believed that Severus would eventually come back to his good side and was going to wait for him.

One of the first lessons in third year for Stella and Lily was Defence Against the Dark Arts. After getting in the class, girls noticed that they have a new teacher this year.

„How come the teacher of Defence changes every year? When we finally got used to professor Emerald?" Lily asked Stella, who also was wondering about the answer. New teacher was a middle aged man with brown hair and short beard. He looked completely normal. So Stella immediately felt sympathy towards him. He had a nice aura and warm look. He reminded her of Prewetts somehow.

„I hope he'll stay for more than year, you know." Stella said as she sat next to Lily. Evans looked at her friend with smile, a bit surprised by Morgan's words. 

„Welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts class. My name is Frederick Redwood and from this year I will be your teacher. So far, I have not been involved in teaching, so I am asking for your understanding. However, I assure you that I will do everything to ensure that your skills at the end of the year are significantly higher than they are now." Stella looked at the teacher with interest. He had low and calming voice. She got a feeling  that this year she was going to like DADA lessons.

„Any questions? No? Then let's get to the topic of today's lesson. Does anyone know what boggart is?" Redwood asked and Lily raised her hand.


„A Boggart is an amortal shape-shifting non-being that takes on the form of its observer's worst fear." Lily replied. Redwood smiled and nodded.

„You're right, miss?"

„Evans, Lily Evans."

„As miss Evans said, Boggart is shape-shifting non being. But no one knows what it looked like when it's alone. Do you know why?"

„Because of their shape-shifting ability. It changes it's shape instantly upon encountering someone." James Potter replied. Lily gulped in irritation. Stella looked at her friend and smiled slightly. Her Lily was so ambitious.

„Very good, mister..."

„James Potter, sir." James smiled at the teacher who smiled back.

„Potter? Son of Fleamont?"


„I know your father, Potter. I give you 5 points. Oh, miss Evans, you also have 5 points for Gryffindor. Keep it up. Now, I would like to ask you to leave your seats and come closer to that chest of drawers. There's a boggart inside it." teacher said and every student looked at him with schock.

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