Chapter 17 : Astria Stanford

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It has been a few days since Astria has returned to the mansion. She has mostly been crying because of her mother's death, and today the Duke has called upon a family meeting to resolve this issue.

We sit in the room as we wait for him, mother is comforting Astria right now because she is crying. She is too kind hearted. She treats Astria with respect even though Alex doesn't like that. 

By now, the news of the Duke's illegitimate daughter has already spread but has not affected him somehow. Well it has not yet affected his business and reputation much so we can say it is under control.

He enters the room and sits as he starts talking

"I have officially adopted Astria and she is no longer Astria Seymour, but Astria Stanford. She will now be a part of our family and I expect everyone to treat her with respect. She will be shifted to the room beside Eleanor's and maids of her choice will be assigned to her soon."

"NO! I do not agree! She will never be a part of our family!" Alex shouts as Astria hugs mother tightly.

The Duke looked really angry but Mother intervened before he could speak.

"Alex, Astria is now a part of our family. She is your half sister and has just lost her mother. She is an innocent child and I request you to form a bond with her just like Eleanor."

"But mother she cannot take Eleanor's plac"-he was cut off by mother

"She is not taking Eleanor's place, she just needs a family and love, and I am sure we will be able to give that to her" she says as she looks at Astria lovingly, "and I am pretty sure Eleanor here agrees with me, right dear?" she asks me

In the original story Alexander was not angry and instead Eleanor was the one causing a commotion. But this time, the situation has changed, and I have to prevent my brother from getting shouted at by father like the original Eleanor was.

"Yes mother, I agree. Brother Alex, can we please treat Astria as our sister from now on? For me, please?" I say trying to persuade him. After all she is just an innocent child.

But he just sighs and moves closer to me, meaning he will try because of me.

Astria smiles and says, "Thank you everyone for accepting me, I am really sorry for my mother's actions and that I could not control her from speaking ill towards you all. She was my only family so it was difficult. But I promise I will try my best to be a good daughter and sister to you all and make up for my mother's actions." she finishes as Alex glares at her.

Everyone, except Alex, smile and return back to their rooms. 

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