Chapter Two: The Key Problem

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Halfway through our journey the next day, the distant sound of sobs reached my ears. The others' heads turned, their eyes meeting mine, searching for approval. I nodded, and without hesitation, we turned and ran towards the origin of the cries. The fallen twigs and leaves crunched and snapped beneath our feet. We pushed branch after branch out of our way until finally, we reached a clearing.

In the middle of the clearing, there was an immense tree, casting a protective shadow over a muscular girl that sat, crying.

As we approached, I noticed she had some sort of powder on her arms...ash, maybe?

Her short curly hair framed her face in soft brown hues, and her eyes were the colour of caramel.

Zuri cautiously approached and asked, "Is everything alright?"

The girl spun around and growled, but stopped suddenly.

There was an unmistakable aura surrounding her- energy, fierce and resolute.

It was a power that I, as a demigod, possessed- an ability to sense the potential and strength of others.

She scanned me from top to bottom, as if looking into my mind. The waves of energy emanating from me must have conveyed my demigod status.

She cautiously approached us. The girl held out her hand and said, "My name is Nyssa. Child of Councillor Pyralis."

A gasp escaped my lips- she was all our group needed to be complete.

"Nyssa, why are you crying?" Nyra's voice carried genuine concern.

"I was running away from a foster home and I got lost. I-I don't have a very good sense of direction, you see." She sighed. "I ran away because I never feel comfortable with people I don't have a connection to—but somehow with you three it feels different..."

Silence hung in the air, heavy with unspoken understanding. I decided to explain our quest and the prophecy.

Nyssa's eyes lit up. "The Great Prophecy?"

Nyra and I nodded our heads in unison.

"Would you join us?" I asked.

Nyssa's excitement bubbled over, showing her eagerness clearly on her face.

So, we had our full gang. Four kids.

We walked and chatted about our pasts, adventures, and mishaps.

"There was one time," Nyssa said, giggling, "when I tried to build a wind-up robot to play with and it ended up destroying my foster family's house altogether. They kicked me out the next day!" We all shared a good laugh, the bond between us growing stronger.

Zuri stopped in her tracks. I asked her what was wrong but she just pointed up.

My gaze followed her finger, and my breath caught. The marble and stone of the Greek palace seemed almost blinding in the sunlight.

Nyssa said, "Diana. Is-Is that—?"

"Yes, Nyssa. Yes, it is."

As we walked up the winding path, the grandeur of the palace unfolded before us. It's walls, crafted from gleaming white marble walls, towered magnificently. Majestic columns stretched toward the heavens, while the domed roof shimmered with an ethereal glow.

The grounds were equally impressive. Impeccably manicured gardens and dancing fountains embellished the landscape. The scent of jasmine and rosemary permeated the air, blending with the gentle melody of water cascading through the fountains.

We approached the entrance, which was guarded by two imposing statues of chimaeras. I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe- In that moment, I yearned to spend an eternity within those hallowed walls. But reality called me back. I needed to complete this quest if I were to have a chance at a proper upbringing, alongside two newfound companions. Perhaps, finally, they would accept me for who I truly am-

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