Chapter 6: Not The Woods...

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Three months later, in the middle of a Saturday night, I was lying in bed, dreaming. I saw blurs of blue and grey. The vision cleared and I saw a pale blue fire dancing over my old house. I heard glass breaking, and a cold, sharp laugh.

Suddenly, I heard the same scream that had haunted my dreams for years.


I gasped and woke up in a cold sweat, reminding myself that it was just a dream. I went back to sleep.

The next morning, I rolled over in bed, not feeling like waking up.

Suddenly, my grandfather opened the door and cannonballed onto my bed, conveniently smashing me in the process.

"Get up!" he yelled into my ear. "It's time to TRAIN!!!"

I groaned. "Five more minutes? Please?"

He yelled NO about five times and I got out of bed just so I wouldn't go deaf.

When I got downstairs, the smell of fresh pancakes wafted through the air to my nose.

Pro tip: If you want to eat like Kai Fortia, your main diet should be hot and spicy chips, apple juice, and chocolate ice cream. If you want to eat like me, just... eat anything. Kind of like a goat. But not so much.

Avani smiled at me. "Good morning, Diana. Would you like butter or blueberries on your pancakes?"

I timidly asked for butter (ALWAYS BUTTER. OVER EVERYTHING ELSE.) and sat at the table. As Avani served the pancakes and sprinkled some cinnamon sugar on top, she hummed to herself.

"So, what's the plan for today?" I asked. Avani turned, grinning.

"Your grandfather has chosen to take you to the Woods." She giggled. I groaned. The Woods was known as one of the most difficult training grounds in the nation, only used for elite troops who would be going into the field. The forest was filled with monsters big and small, some that could kill you with a breath or crush you under their feet.

Way to start with the hardest, Gramps.

After breakfast, we strolled out the door with our weapons. As we approached the woods, my grandparents' friend, Aslei, approached us. She had a kind smile and sparkling green eyes.

Avani greeted her and told her where we were going.

Aslei went into overprotective mode. "Well, it's dangerous. BUT I know you won't listen to me. At least take some armour! She's a little girl!"

Avani politely declined. "Aslei, when we fought Tartarus, some evil immortals, and monsters, were we wearing armour? Most of us had on regular jeans and T-shirts."

"Hmph. Good point, Avani. But BE SAFE!" Aslei said.

"YES, MOTHER!" Kai yelled back as we continued walking.

I laughed. For a child of Councillor Elektra, she was really nice.

When we arrived at the woods, Kai and Avani turned to me.

"Alright, go on! Lead us!" Kai urged me.

"Are you absolutely sure I should lead?" I asked, wary.

"JUST GO!" The words echoed throughout the forest.

I jumped and walked onward, the Sword of Wisdom in my hand. Avani and Kai had their weapons drawn as well. We walked next to each other.

A low growling sound came from our left. We froze. Kai whispered into my ear that if things got messy, he and Avani would swoop in for a quick extraction. Phew. Avani and I slowly and quietly approached the sound.

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