Chapter 7: The Pegasus

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Later that week, Kai, Avani, and I were sitting on the couch reading books about a certain magician with a scar, when the conch horn blew loudly.

That was not a good sign.

We grabbed our weapons and ran out the door.

I gasped in awe and froze in my tracks. Before us stood the Pegasus—Mateo Cortez's legendary flying pegasus mechanoid, and the vehicle my grandparents had completed so many quests on!

I had heard so many stories about it. It was one of the most recognized mechanoids in history, and took years to build. I grinned and internally tried to calm myself down, taking in all of her magnificent features.

Her bronze exterior glinted in the sunlight, layered plates clinking slightly as the giant mechanoid shifted her position. Her blazing red eyes peered down at me as she tossed her elegant head.

Kai and Avani gasped with delight. The Pegasus had been like a second home to them when they were younger. Avani traced her hand down the side of the Pegasus's enormous leg.

"Hey guys!" Mateo said, smiling. His messy hair and goofy grin made him look almost identical to my grandfather- they were half-brothers, after all.

A stunningly beautiful woman stepped out from behind him. Her auburn-red hair was arranged in an intricate bun, while her kaleidoscope eyes, a mesmerising blend of green and gold, radiated with captivating brilliance. Clad in a grease-stained white T-shirt and jeans, she exuded a sense of calm.

"Teo, let's cut to the chase," she said sternly.

That's Crea, I realised in awe. A child of Councillor Elektra, she was once said to be the most beautiful warrior in all of Oralia. At her words, Mateo's expression turned grave.

"Si, mi amor. So... we have bad news. Eryna City is frozen over. Our scouts spotted Hyperborean Giants marching towards Eryna. Crea and I managed to escape before we could be frozen too. Mark my words,— once they destroy Eryna, they'll set their sights on Kardia."

We gasped, and some people in the crowd hugged their children close.

Crea went on to explain that they needed three people from Kardia to be part of the quest. She told us that they already had three warriors from Eryna, plus a demigod-in-training.

Immediately, Kai and Avani stepped forward.

"Diana is the child of the prophecy," Avani said. "She is destined to stop Khione. The three of us will come with you." Kai nodded in agreement.

We-we will? I thought. Some people turned to look at me. Had I said what I was thinking aloud? I shook my head, noticing that everyone was slowly backing away.

No one wanted to face Khione, with all her built-up power and rage at being shunned over the aeons. We were the only ones who would do it, and if we didn't, our entire demigod world would be frozen over.

Mateo brightened. "Alright then. Let's get going."

He whispered to Crea, "Can we get some ice cream before we go? Please?"

Crea rolled her eyes at him and gently told us to go get our stuff.

We packed our things in small backpacks and jumped on the colossal vehicle, flying for Eryna, our rendezvous point with the other quest members.

As we circled above Eryna City, I gasped. The Community Bunker (a large safe house for injured and orphaned demigods that were raised by nature spirits), the Creative Arts building, the Sports Courts, the Amphitheatre, the Study Hall, the park, the Activities Arena, and the east side of Eryna lake were all frozen over.

Avani sucked in her breath and silent tears poured down her cheeks. Kai stroked her hair, trying to look brave. Then he started sobbing all over Avani, who stopped crying to push him off her shoulder. This was where they'd both grown up and to see it in such a state must have been so painful for them. It made me remember how, even at such a young age, I had felt terrible watching my house burn in the fire, knowing my father wasn't coming out of it.

The Pegasus landed close to the unfrozen side of the city. We scrambled off and immediately spotted a group of demigods who were furiously discussing something. We approached them, and a big, strong-looking girl turned around to face us. When our eyes met, I gasped. It was Nyssa!

"Diana! I've missed you!" She grabbed me in a hug and I squeezed her

Avani cleared her throat and Kai scratched his head, chuckling.

"Avani, Kai, this is Nyssa. I went on my first quest with her. She's a child of Councillor Pyralis," I said.

After everyone had been introduced to each other and Nyssa announced she was coming on the quest, she got my proper attention.

"Diana, I would like you to meet Amara. She is a daughter of Councillor Elektra and is training under me to become a fighter."

A beautiful yet strong girl that looked about three or four years younger than me, and much shorter, stepped forward. She looked up at me, then smiled. Her green eyes twinkled, her porcelain skin glowing in the sunlight.

"Hey Diana. Nyssa told me all about you. I live in the Community Bunker with the rest of the orphaned demigods, but... no one's here right now. I'm quite alone." she said, looking away sadly.

My heart broke for her. She reminded me of myself when Leia had first left. I hugged her and quietly swore to take care of her no matter what happened.

Avani came over to join us.

"H-Hi, Miss Avani. I- I look up to you so much.. You saved so many lives and slayed monsters relentlessly. My mortal mother was a warrior too, but she was killed in battle when I was very young, so you were a strong force of guidance for me as I grew." Amara said, standing tall.

Avani beamed, her eyes welling with tears. "Thank you, dear! I can't wait to see what you can do!" Amara nodded.

Nyssa whispered something to Amara and she grinned before running off. Kai and Avani saw some of their old friends who had come to help, so they went to talk.

Amara came back a minute later, running toward us ahead of a wise-looking tree spirit. I didn't recognise him, but when Avani and Kai spotted him, they yelled, "Tor!"

Tor grinned, gliding forward to greet them.

"Oh, Tor, I've missed you so much! I'm so glad you're safe!" Avani exclaimed.

"I am too! Ever since you left, there hasn't been anyone that's as good a gardener as you are. And Kai! We've been expanding to accommodate even more families. It's become the biggest safe haven, for all beings. We missed you two here!"

Avani beamed at Kai, who asked, "So, are the other spirits and demigods safe?"

Tor's smile faded, and we all guessed what that meant.

We walked around Eryna for a while, in silence. When we reached the frozen barrier, I saw demigods, creatures, and forest spirits frozen in ice and time. Kai spotted his best friend, Lee, with his wife, Katie, and their kid, Londa. They were frozen hand-in-hand.

A tear trickled down my grandfather's face. Then his expression hardened into a look of determination and anger.

"Let's go kick some ice goddess butt."

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