New beginnings.

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Bellona pov-
It's been Three years since everything. Happened  I have moved to NYC. After prom and honestly I haven't talked to anyone much.
I am still in contact with all of them but it's just hi , hello.
I have moved on .
It took alot of my time but now I really hate him.

I work in a company.
I get paid alot of money for that.
I have a stable life.

New York is Under Mafia's .
Government is there but there is a underworld and they take decisions evrything happen according to them.
One mistake and you are gone case.

Terror of Mafia ...

There are many Mafia's I don't even remember the name.

But the Mafia king.
I have heard about him and his people.
Everyone hates him yet none can go against him.
He is ruthless , Cold, he kill people like they are soft toys.
Everyone are scared of Mafia and everyone is scared of him.

None can go against him.

I never really wanted to know about him. I am happy with my life it was good everything was normal until.

God can never see me happy somthing good happenes and there you go.

I forget to tell you a secret.
I was working under Mafia's too.

It's a long Story.
Backe in States I was working for a decent company. But the Mafia group of states aksed us to work under them.  He hates Mafia King for personal reason but CEO of our company was forced to help them.
We had no other option.
There you go chaos.

And now we are here in NYC.
Apparantly I am good at hacking all of us are. So we are supposed to hack Mafia king's system to get some personal information.

It a Wednesday morning.

I was seating in My Cabin.
When Alya called me .

Alya: hey come to Boss's office now!

( She is my only friend here I live with her because I love to.)

Ok I said .

I saw CEO of our company seating there with Mafia leader  of States.

His name was Blake.

- he was hot
- muscular
- cold yet attractive
- succesful.

Yeah okay I'll accept that I kinda liked him not like really likeee. Likeee but yeah liked liked.

He smiled at me .

Hey Bellona please have a seat. He said.

Everyone says that he is sweet to me but I won't fall the same trap again.

Good morning Mr Blake I smiled.

So you all the top hackers of our company. We have got a password of something which is personal to Mafia King. I want you to work on that and know what password is it and how can we help yourself with this.   He said.

Everyone nodded .

Great than get back to work he said in his cold voice.

His voice is everything.

We were working on that password when Alya yelled I got it .
I got it .

Got what?  Blake said.

This is his password to entrance. She said.

What really superb than.  Blake said everyone was happy.

When something striked to my mind.

It's not that easy to get the password.
I have tried several time to get that but I was unable to and I got it . It's a trap by them. 

Don't click on the link alya I yelled loud.

What , Why Bellona Blake said.

It's a fucking trap I said

What?  Alya said

Yeah , I explained them

Fuck how stupid of me . We are fucked. Balke said.

You accessed the link didn't you? I said

Yeah I did a long time ago alya said

Oh God no, they must have gotten our location. We have to leave they will kill us I said.

Too late . He is Mafia King for a reason. His security must be there . If it was all planned he never trip on his plan . We are dead now.   Balke said.

Sleeping gas was all around us .
And last I remember was smoke and blur vison.

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