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I went back home with Alexa and Alya.

I got into Haze room. Took my stuff out of there and went to my own fucking room.

None dared to talk to me. Because they knew my mood.

My life is fucked from day one.
I never wanted to live this life this is hell. All I wanted to do was die.

I cried my self to sleep.

It was 3 in the afternoon.

I was starving now.

So I went downstairs.

Just to see?
Haze and all other boys down there.

They were leaving and they back soon?

Alexa walked towards me.

Hey how are you know?

Somthing happened to me? I am the happiest person in this planet right now what are you even talking about?

Bell's don't act cold , pls.
Btw they postponed the meeting.
She said .

Ohh, that means I have to see this man more? Before he die.
I'll take my words back I am not the happiest one ig.      I said.

Bellona what are you even saying? Alya said.

I ignored her. 
And walked towards counter.

I grabbed a apple and a bottle of water. Some ice cream and went back.

Bell's come sit with us .   Kile said.

I ignored him when I eyes meet Haze eye's. He was hidding emotions.
But I smirked and move on.

I went back to room and played loud music.


Haze pov-

I don't like this ignore game.
I Feel like a cheater.
But partially why tf does it even matter to her?
And why do I care that this matter to her?

That's what I wanted . I wanted to hurt her. Then why am I hating it?

She said she wants me to die.
The same person who cares the most about me who can die for me said this.
I felt 100 gunshots inside my heart.

Kile: she is really mad.

Adrian: mad at what we were leaving without telling or with Haze and Lucia.

Alya: I have never seen her like this.

Kile: well I don't feel good . This villa felt home only when she is around but now it's just like a boredom.

Alya: I think we should take her to a trip.

Alexa: that works?

Alya: yeah she love traveling and when she felt said . She would travel.

Haze : Cool then we'll go out of country as it is risky in country.

Kile: you are ok with it?
( He was in pure shock)

Charlie: it's the first time you'll go on a friendly trip since you joined mafia.

I think you don't wanna go. I said.

No bro pls we want to Charlie said.

Cool ask her where she want to go. I said

Ask her? You want to go to her fav place? Charlie asked.

Kile book 7 tickets.  I said

7 ? We are 8 people kile said.

Charlie wants to play question ans let him do that here we will go I said

What no I want to come ofc he said

Everyone chuckled .

Bellona Pov-

Everyone was downstairs.
It was dinner time and I done want them to think I care .

I went downstairs.

Alya : Bellona get your stuff packed .

We are going back to our home? I was happy.

Alya: Uhh no baby , we are going for a long trip.

What? Where? why?    I said.

Alya: I have no clue about it yet.

Kile : Well it's a surprise!

I don't want to come . You guys go I said.

Alya: whole trip is for you and you don't want to come?

What for me? Whatever I don't want to go anywhere.   I said .

What the fuck is even wrong with you? Can't you see? I am trying my best to make you feel good and you are just not stopping with this .
I am sorry for that . She was just a just a . A person who doesn't even matter in my fucking life. And you here not trying to fucking get over it.   Hazd yelled.

Yeah because it is what it is she was sitting on your lap on your cabin .
And you are the one who once said I am not even allowed to enter your office.       I yelled.

It was long time ago Bella try to understand. I am sorry and I am saying this for 100th time now.
I am fucking sorry for hurting you.
Wtf do you want know? You want me to kill her?      Haze yelled.

Wow Haze Solution of everything in your dairy is killing isn't it? I yelled

Then what do I do ? Haze yelled.

I ignored him and started walking away.
He grabbed my wrist and tighten his grip.

Do not fucking ignore me I don't like this . Tell me what do I do? And you can feel good and stop this ignoring Shit.    Haze Yelled.

I don't know you should have think that before doing and you are really hurting me at this moment . I yelled.

Than stop ignoring me I am planning this trip for you. So you feel good I am dropping my work and you here are just not ready to listen Bellona Haze said.

Fine I'll come. I said
Now leave me you are hurting me as always.

He left me and I walked away.

Haze punched in the dinning table.
Breaking the glass. And everyone stood up.

I glared at him our eyes locked
I felt bad for that but I choose to walk away.

And he strommed of to his room

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