Chapter 2

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I was lying in bed when I heard the front door to our apartment open. Footsteps danced like whispers on the hardwood floor, and Hyunjin's giggles echoed in the apartment. I heard a deep voice ask which room was his, and then, I heard Hyunjin's door close. I could vaguely make out the mumblings of their conversation about his paintings.

I'd nearly fallen asleep when my door creaked open. I turned to find Hyunjin's undeniably handsome date with his locks of blonde hair framing his face perfectly. "I thought this was the bathroom," he told me.

"It's behind you," I informed him. He thanked me and turned around after closing my door with a soft click.

It reopened soon after, and Hyunjin stood in the doorway like a ball of energy. "Isn't he so hot!"

"Did you tell him my room was the bathroom on purpose?" I chuckled.

"Duh! I needed to brag about him," he grinned.
"And his voice is so deep," he gushed as he fell back against the doorframe dramatically.

"I'm glad you're happy," I told him sincerely. "But I want to sleep."

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you more in the morning," he winked and closed the door to head back towards his room.


The front door closing woke me up the next morning. My eyes fluttered open, and I cursed at how bright it was. I usually got up before the sun.

There was a light tap on my door, and I got up to let Hyunjin in. He looked giddy and eager to tell me about his evening.

"Go ahead," I encouraged him with a laugh even though I was still half asleep.

He described his dinner date turned photography session turned sleepover in great detail. Apparently, they both enjoyed both modeling and being behind the lens, so they spent the evening after dinner going around and taking pictures of each other. It then got late and Felix (finally, a name) asked to crash at Hyunjin's since his apartment was on the other side of the city. They stayed up the whole night talking.

"That's really great, Hyunjin. I'm so happy for you," I told him.

"And there's one more thing I didn't mention. Don't freak out, okay?" he began, and I felt my stomach knot at the tone in his voice. "We ran into Seungmin at dinner."

"Oh!" I hadn't expected that.

"He's hosting a couples' retreat and invited Felix and I as well as the rest of the guys," he explained.

I shifted uncomfortably on the bed unsure of what to say.

"He said he'd invite you but..."

"I'm still single," I finished for him.

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