Chapter 26

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"Felix, please. I don't want to die in a hospital," I told him. I knew if I convinced him he'd make Hyunjin agree.

It hadn't taken long before he shrugged and conceded. "Fine."

Hyunjin signed me out, and I was so happy to be able to leave. Unfortunately, all I had to wear out were the white party clothes which were stained with wine. I looked like a homicide victim as I left the hospital. People stared but I did my best to ignore them and focused on the doors ahead.

The sun felt so warm on my skin. I closed my eyes and soaked it in.

Luckily they'd driven so once I'd warmed up, I hopped into their car, and we drove back to the house.

I ran up the steps feeling more energized than I had in a while. Seungmin was sitting in the living room and looked surprised at my being there. I ignored him and walked carefully up the steps.

I wanted to see Lee Know.

When I flung the door open, I could hear the shower running. I took the opportunity to put on different clothes. My sweater was already on the bed so I changed into it and put on a pair of shorts.

Lee Know's phone rang and I glanced at the caller and sighed. It was a doctor in Boston. I knew there wasn't anything to be done, but he was so determined to fix an unfixable problem.

"Hello?" I picked up.

"Hi is this Lee Know? I received a message," he began.

"No, but I'm his boyfriend he was calling about," I replied. "I have glioblastoma."

"I'm so sorry," the doctor muttered. It was basically a death sentence in the medical world. Almost everyone died within the year...

"My boyfriend wants to find someone who can help me. He thinks that could be you."

The doctor exhaled...not a positive sign. "I'm happy to take a look at your scans, but I mainly have success in treating less aggressive forms."

I figured that would be the case, but I collected his email anyway to share the scans.

"Can you not tell my boyfriend that we spoke?" I asked of him.

"Sure," he agreed.

It was hard to tell a dying person 'no'.


This Morning:

I woke up to the sound of the shower being turned on. I rolled over and found Lee Know's half of the bed empty and I stretched into it. It was still warm from when he'd been here.

I pulled out my phone to check through messages and my heart stopped when I saw an email from the oncologist in Boston. I clicked on it

"I took a look at your scans. Unfortunately, I don't think there's anything I could do to help. I'm sorry."

The news was expected but still made me want to cry.

"Thanks for taking a look," I replied back.

I wiped away the tears and tried to pull myself together before Lee Know finished his shower. I didn't want him to know I'd spoken to the oncologist. He needed the hope more than I did.

He'd been concerned over my lack of food intake yesterday, so I decided I'd do my best to eat today. I pulled up the menu of the cafe I worked at and tried to see if anything appealed to me.

I determined I could manage to keep down a smoothie and avocado toast.

"Lee Know!" I called, eager to make him happy. He'd be so pleased when I told him I wanted food.

I heard the shower click off, and he rushed into the room. He was completely naked and his face was ghostly white as he examined me. "Han, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" he fretted.

"Yeah, I..." I began but cut myself off. Lee Know looked so scared for me. I set my phone down and crawled across the bed towards him. "Lee Know, I'm okay," I promised and took his hand.

My touch seemed to calm him down and he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The color returned to his cheeks.

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to go to the cafe for breakfast," I suggested.

Lee Know looked so glad that I was hungry. I loved seeing the spark in his eye when I pleased him.

"Oh! Okay, sure," he nodded, trying to be nonchalant about my willingness to eat. I could tell it meant a lot to him, though.

I pulled him closer, and he stepped forward to wrap his arms around me. I pressed my hand to his chest against the strong beat of his heart and dragged it down to settle on his waist. He looked so pretty glistening from his shower, though, and my hand continued downwards until it wrapped around his cock. My thumb circled his tip and I gazed upwards to watch his reaction.

"Han," Lee Know sighed lustfully as he tossed his head back.

His hand gripped my shoulder, and his muscles looked tense.

"Relax Lee Know," I muttered. I stroked his dick and he moaned loudly for me.

His hand found my beck, and he tugged at my hair to make me face him.

His lips called to me, and I abandoned his dick to up his jaw and crash my mouth to his. I pulled him down to the bed and straddled him, grinding my hips against his hard length.

He sucked my bottom lip and I whimpered needily for him. I rocked my hips faster.

His hands settled on my waist though and held me still. "Han, we shouldn't."

Lee Know was still operating on this idea that I was sick and could get better. He assumed we could fuck when I was healed, but I knew that wasn't possible. This was as healthy as I'd ever be again. Tomorrow would only get worse.

"Lee Know," I began, "If I only have a few months, I don't want to live being afraid of everything."

I pressed my lips to his again and rolled my was against his cock. He moaned against my lips, and I felt the vibrations of it on my tongue.

"Don't you want to fuck me, daddy?" I taunted.

Lee Know let out a breathy laugh of shock at my words and shook his head. I thought that might be it but his hand suddenly came down hard on my ass.

I yelped with an eager grin.

"Then fuck me," I urged him. I threw off my sweater and discarded it before pressing my lips to his again.

He groaned and squeezed my ass.

"Han," he whined, "We can't."

I pulled down my boxers that I'd slept in and threw them to the ground.

"Please, Lee Know. Don't treat me like I'm broken," I begged.

He hummed against my lips and rolled his hips against me.

"I don't want to hurt you," he muttered.

I went to argue again about how I was fine but felt one of his fingers probe my hole. "So you're going to be on top," he whispered and pushed his finger in.

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