Chapter 7

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We joined everyone for a meal that Felix had made. The food was absolutely delicious. All I could think about, though, was Lee Know's kiss. The way his hands felt on my waist...the way he had squeezed me closer to him with his hands pressed on my back...the way his lips fit mine. I knew he didn't feel anything towards me, but I didn't care. He was so hot, and it felt so good. I'd been so disappointed when he ended it.

It had been a while since I'd been with anyone, and I'd misunderstood just how much I craved that sort of intimacy and attention, even if it was fake.

I sat between Lee Know and Felix at dinner. I spoke with Felix about how he'd met Hyunjin in Fiji. I listened as best I could, but I was very distracted by Lee Know's leg bouncing anxiously beside mine. I rested my knee against his thigh which calmed him down right away, and I then became distracted by the warmth radiating off of him.

Seungmin sat across from Lee Know, and I found myself growing jealous whenever they made comments only they understood or made eye contact for too long. I wondered what made Seungmin so special to him.

He was handsome enough. He walked the line between being introverted and extroverted. His feet were bigger than mine...

He got up to excuse himself and Jeongin went with him. I could tell it upset Lee Know to see them leave together, and I put my hand on his for comfort.

I gave him a small smile, and he turned to talk to Changbin beside him. I couldn't help myself, though. I stroked my thumb up and down the back of his hand. I pretended to be engaged in my conversation with Felix, but it felt so far away. There was so much more for me to be focused on.

When Seungmin and Jeongin rejoined us, they smirked at me. I recalled the phone call I'd overheard and knew how to make myself worthy of Lee Know in their eyes.

"I'll be right back," I told Felix, interrupting the talks of his and Hyunjin's first date stateside. I let go of Lee Know's hand and walked into the hallway. As I had suspected, there was a $20 bill sitting on the entryway table. I took a moment before returning to the dining room, so they'd think I'd gone to the bathroom.

I grabbed the bill and headed back in, determined to prove them wrong about me. "I think one of you left this in the hall," I told them, setting it on the table.

Jeongin seemed surprised, but Seungmin narrowed his eyes at me. He wanted to toy with me, and I was sure this wouldn't be his last attempt to invalidate me as a good person. I'd been through worse, though, and welcomed the challenge. I could be just as competitive.

Nobody but us two seemed to realize the nature of the exchange, and as I sat back down, I kissed Lee Know's cheek. He seemed surprised but said nothing.

I knew Seungmin didn't want him anymore, but he didn't want me to have him either. I could tell. He'd do whatever it took to break us apart, and I'd make sure it didn't happen. I also knew Lee Know saw this as a fake week-long relationship, but I believed I could convince him to like me for real if given the chance. I wasn't going to let Seungmin ruin that.

"So Han," Seungmin began, eyes shining and indicative of his sinister motivation.

I turned to him, and Lee Know sat up straighter, worried about what was about to take place.

"I hope it's not awkward that Lee Know invited you on this trip. We used to date, you know," he sneered.

"Oh, I know. He told me everything." Seungmin seemed surprised by that. "I don't feel awkward, though. Do you feel awkward?"

Seungmin pursed his lips and shook his head.

"What about your boyfriend? Jeongin, do you feel awkward?"

Seungmin did not look pleased that I had invited Jeongin into his game. He looked between the three of us: me and Seungmin and Lee Know. "Maybe a little," he confessed.

Seungmin was taken aback. I'd count this as a victory for Team Han. "I thought you said it was okay if he came?" Seungmin whispered to Jeongin, but still loudly enough that I could hear.

"It is. It's two dated for a while. Naturally, I feel a little uneasy about it, especially with how you two act."

"How do we act?" This piqued Lee Know's interest.

"Yea like the inside jokes and stuff," Jeongin mumbled.

"Awe, Innie, we're not dating, okay? I'm with you. We're just friends now," Seungmin soothed him with a kiss.

Watching the interaction changed Lee Know's mood completely. He sat back in his chair and barely engaged in any conversations for the rest of the meal. Eventually, Chan and Dylan excused themselves to go to bed, permitting everyone else to leave the table, too.

Changbin and Sana offered to clean up so the rest of us dispersed. Some went for walks along the beach, others prepared for clubbing. Lee Know trodded up the steps, and I followed.

"You don't have to stay here. You can go out with Felix if you want to," he offered.

"I'm actually a bit tired," I told him.

"Okay," he said.

"Okay," I repeated.

I pulled off my sweater once in our room and set it in the chair beside my nightstand. I was sure I'd use it again at some point since it was more comfortable than most of the expensive things Lee Know had purchased for me.

I dug around and found a pair of pajama pants and a matching shirt. Lee Know had said they'd be dressed well even at bedtime, so he'd required me to pick out a few things.

I put the shirt on and brought a new pair of briefs and pants to the bathroom to change into them. As I was brushing my teeth, Lee Know knocked on the door. I let him inside, and he did his skincare beside me.

It felt very domestic.

"Seungmin seems like kind of a dick," I tried to lighten the mood.

"You just don't know him," Lee Know shut me down completely, defending his ex.

I didn't push him further. He was clearly upset, and I wanted him to confide in me, but I was his fake boyfriend. Nothing more.

I sauntered off towards our bed and climbed under the comforter. Lee Know soon joined and clicked the lights off on his way over.

"You did good today," he complimented me.

"Thanks," I muttered. Unsure of how to feel about being good at being a fake boyfriend, especially when I wanted to be a real one.

"Goodnight," he said as he rolled to face away from me.

I ached to nestle into his side and cuddle against him, but I fought that urge. That was for real boyfriends. I was just being used.

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