25 - The Embers of Volcano Manor

461 31 14

"..." : Speech

'...' : Thoughts

**** :Scene Change

"..." : Speech

'...' : Thoughts

**** :Scene Change


"I... I can't feel a thing..."

The ceiling of (Y/n)'s room in the Roundtable Hold had become painfully dull. Laying there motionlessly with his eyes stuck on the roof. (Y/n) had finally awaken to his poorly lit room, he could see through the corner of his eye the dying embers on the fireplace. A ray of light suddenly flashed him as the door creaked open, he tried to turn his head, but he couldn't. It was only when Melina leaned over him to meet his gaze that he knew who else was present.

"You have recovered. Can you move?"

She watched his face tense up as he tried to move. A losing battle, or so it seemed. Just as she reached down to help him, (Y/n) managed to lift his arm to block her. He held on to the side of the bed and pulled himself up. To his surprise he was still wearing his armour. Melina picked up on his reaction and quickly explained.

"We tried to remove it to heal your wounds. But we couldn't, it seems stuck to you."

"What do you mean stuck?"

"The armour has incrusted itself into you Tarnished. Gaining the ability to fully recuperate from any grave injury you might sustain."

Memories of his battle with Rykard began to resurface, he managed to move his neck to face Melina, he spotted his prosthetic arm on the desk, cleaned and polished. He eyed at his remaining arm, which shook slightly as he tried to move it.

"My arm... It was completely broken."

"Yes. The armour fixed it instantly, or at least placed it back to normal. You still require more time to recuperate despite Roderika and my own best efforts."

They both went silent, (Y/n) focused on moving his limbs while Melina sat at the foot of his bed. It was weird, moving his limbs without feeling them. He could only tell if he was achieving it by his other senses. Melina watched him slowly lift the remains of his left arm as she asked.

"What can you recall of the battle?"

"I recall it all. But it feels not as if I were there. More like watching someone else fight Rykard, someone in my own body."

They both paused, allowing Melina to address her concerns.

"What you became, it was beyond a feral state. You lost all control, succumbed to your hatred and anger as you ignored all pain and injury. In all my travels never have I witnessed such a transformation."

"It's the armour, it's nothing like I have ever worn. It took over me, pushed me to the back and took control. As if it were alive..."

He went quiet once more. Melina studied the look in his eyes as he spoke of his new armour, he clearly did not share her concern.

"It is dangerous."

"As is everything we do. If putting on this amour helps me reach the level of demigods, I will don it."

Melina held in a sigh as she gripped her robes in annoyance.

"Then we must be wise on how you use the attire. And careful you do not ever sink to those depths. I ask you to rely on me to help you do so."

He nodded, slowly moving his legs as he began to regain control off his body.

"You were dormant for six days, Tarnished you must be famished."

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