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Some quiet days have passed and the video shootings were going very well. Reneé gave Natasha creative freedom to invest in the videos and together they were doing a beautiful job. After the long days of shooting, it became almost a tradition for Reneé and Natasha to go to the coffee shop near the studio to hang out, even if they were exhausted they made sure to have some time with each other before calling it a day. This made them very close, Natasha told beautiful stories of people she had met through her photography and Reneé told her the funniest stories about the long nights in LA. Natasha wanted to share deeper parts of her life with Reneé because she felt a deep connection with her, but whenever she thought about saying something more she stopped herself thinking that she didn't want to make her feelings for Reneé more complicated.

Natasha's cell phone suddenly started buzzing with messages. She tried to ignore them while she folding some clothes, but then the messages turned into calls. Natasha answered without even seeing the name on the screen. "Hi?'' She said with a rude tone.

''Hey Nat, I'm sorry, I hope I'm not disturbing you'' it was Reneé, and she was crying? Her voice cracked a little ''I'm not feeling very good I was wondering if you can come to the studio, I'm alone.'' She was definitely crying.

''Hey no no no, don't worry! I'm on my way, I'll be there in 5''

Natasha dropped her clothes, put on a sweatshirt and went to the studio as fast as she could.


As she pushed the heavy studio door, Natasha's eyes scanned the quiet room, searching for Reneé's familiar figure. And there, huddled in the corner, she found her—Reneé, her face buried in her hands, her shoulders shaking with sobs.

Without hesitation, Natasha rushed to her side, wrapping her arms around Reneé in a comforting embrace. "Reneé, what's wrong? What happened?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Reneé looked up, her eyes red-rimmed and tear-stained. "Natasha," she choked out, "it's... it's all just too much. The pressure, I don't know if I can handle it anymore."

Natasha's heart ached at the sight of her friend in such distress. Gently, she wiped away Reneé's tears and took her hand in hers. "Reneé, you don't have to do this alone," she said softly. "I'm here for you, no matter what. We'll get through this together."

With Natasha's comforting words ringing in her ears, Reneé felt a glimmer of hope stir within her. She knew that she could always count on Natasha.

"Thank you, Nat" Reneé whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what I would do without you right now, I feel so lonely."

Natasha sighed. "Come on," she said, gently guiding Reneé to her feet. "Let's get out of here for a while. How about we go grab a coffee and talk?"

As they stepped out into the warm afternoon sunlight, Natasha felt a sense of relief wash over her. The cozy ambiance of the coffee shop provided a comforting backdrop as Natasha and Reneé sat across from each other, their hands wrapped around steaming mugs of coffee. The weight of Reneé's recent revelation hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their usually lively conversations. Reneé took a deep breath, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and determination. "Nat" she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "there's something I want to tell you. Something I've been keeping to myself for far too long."

Natasha listened intently, her heart aching. She could sense the pain radiating from Reneé, like a wound that refused to heal.

"I... I was in an abusive relationship a few months ago..." Reneé confessed, her words tinged with shame. "For years, I endured his manipulation and violence, convinced that I deserved it. But I finally found the strength to leave him. It was very hard and it still is, he still finds ways of getting to me, he texted me a few hours ago trying to tell me I'm nothing without him and that all of my songs are just sad songs about not living a fairy tail" Reneé said trying to not cry to every word.

Natasha's heart broke for Reneé, She reached out and took Reneé's hand in hers, offering silent support. "Reneé, I'm so sorry," Natasha said softly, her voice filled with compassion. "You never deserved to be treated that way. But I'm proud of you for finding the courage to leave."

Reneé nodded, tears glistening in her eyes. "Thank you, Nat," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "It hasn't been easy, but I'm learning to rebuild myself, one day at a time''

As the conversation delved into Reneé's painful past, Natasha could see the raw vulnerability in her friend's eyes. She felt an overwhelming urge to protect Reneé. Natasha knew that their friendship had reached a new level of trust and understanding. She admired Reneé's strength and resilience, her unwavering determination to rise above her past and embrace the future with open arms.

It was getting late. As they left the coffee shop, Reneé felt a sudden anguish "Nat, I don't want to be alone today, can I go back to your apartment with you?'' She said a little scared of the answer.

"Of course, Reneé," Natasha said without hesitation, her voice soft and reassuring. "You're welcome to stay with me for as long as you need. You never have to face this alone."

Reneé's eyes brimmed with gratitude as she nodded, her voice choked with emotion. "Thank you. I don't know what I would do without right now."


In the quiet of Natasha's apartment, the weight of the day's emotions hung heavy in the air. As Natasha led Reneé to the guest room, she could sense the exhaustion etched into every line of her face. With a gentle touch, she tucked Reneé into bed, her heart aching with emotions for the pain Reneé had endured.

''Would you like me to stay with you for a while?" Natasha offered softly, her voice was shy.

Reneé hesitated for a moment before nodding, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "Please," she whispered, her voice barely audible above a whisper. Without a word, Natasha climbed into bed beside Reneé, enveloping her in a warm hug. She could feel the tension melting away from Reneé's body as she nestled into Natasha's arms, seeking solace in her comforting presence.

For hours, they lay together in the silence of the night, the only sound the steady rhythm of their breathing. Natasha held Reneé close, offering her strength and support as she drifted into a fitful sleep. As Reneé's breathing slowed and her body relaxed, Natasha felt a sense of peace wash over her. In that moment, she knew that they would face whatever challenges lay ahead together, she would be by her side no matter what, even if it was hurting her own feelings by just being friends.

And as they surrendered to the embrace of sleep, Natasha whispered words of comfort into Reneé's ear, promising to be there for her every step of the way. For in that moment, as they clung to each other in the dark, they found comfort in the simple act of being together.  

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