Chapter 10: Different, Yoongi

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It has been a wonderful day. Taehyung took me everywhere, and well, except for where I will be staying, he said it was a surprise. So now I was left at the pool.

I had on Tae T-shirt because I was too lazy to go and get a swimsuit, plus I hate using magic all the time. I sniffed it before diving into the pool. I heard Tae laugh and then give me a wave before walking away. He said he was tempted to join me, but Jin had called him to deal with something because the others were busy. I asked if he wanted help, but he said for me to relax, and they would come get me later.

I decided that since I was alone, I could strip naked so I abandoned the shirt and swam several laps then just floating above the water, the sun was just setting, when I felt him looking at me, he had been there for a while observing me, but I pretended that I did not know after all he was my mate.

"How long are you going to stand there?" I asked without looking because I was too curious.

"So you knew I was here all along?" His voice sent a shiver through my body, and I lost my balance and went under the water. He must have thought I was drowning because I did not come up back, I did so deliberately because I wanted for him to get closer to me. I felt his hands touch my hips and guide me upwards, but I had other intentions so I wrapped my legs around his hips and plastered my body to his, as we surface I took a deep breath.

"You were swimming just fine just now." He said as he wiped the water with his hand from his face.

"How else was I to get you over here with me?" He pushed my hair away from my face as I pretended to cough.

"Hmm," was all he said as he took us to shallow water where we could sit. I refused to let go, so I just sat on his leg as he braced against the pool. His hands were still on my hips. My legs were on his sides as I faced him. It was now dusk, but our vision was great. We could see each other as clear as day. His eyes travel from my eyes to my lips, then down my neck, and then to my breast, my nipples harden instantly as his gaze travels lower stopping at my hips because the water is right there. I wanted to see what he would do, so I got up on my knees and watched his reaction. His face remained the same as he looked lower, but now I was blushing bright red and biting my lips. I lowered myself back on his legs. If it was not for his very hard dick, I would have thought that he did not want me.

"What is your name, mate?" I asked as I brought my face closer to his and looked into his beautiful eyes.

"Yoongi" was all he said before his hands sank into my hair so fast and brought my lips to his.

His other hand ran up my naked back and then lower as he held my hip again and pulled me closer, and deepened the kiss, making me moan. I forgot what I said about not using magic as I stripped him naked under me, feeling his skin touch mine made me moan again. I rubbed against his erection as he kissed down my neck and then sucked my breast so hard, then bit down, making me come so hard.

"Holy fuck" I whispered as he licked the bite closing it up, he sucked on the other one. Driving me crazy with needs, I pulled his head to mine kissing his lips tasting my blood on his tongue somehow that turned me on even more as, I got up on my knees once more and held his dick in my hands, and sank down on him. He groaned then as I took him deep into me and squeezed as tight as I could. My inner walls were straining to accommodate his huge dick. He kissed me back as I moved up, and down his dick, the water slapped as I went down hard. He held my hips down on him, then got up, sliding his hands under my arse as he walked to the water once more, my legs wrapped around his waist once more. My back was to the side of the pool, and he pushed deeper into me.

"You are so beautiful." He whispered when he braced his forehead against mine. If I was not a werewolf, I doubt I would have heard him.

"I am yours, yoongi." He groaned as he pulled out and pushed in back hard. I held on to his shoulder tight as he did that several times.

"Say my name again." It was a demand as he stopped moving.

"Yoongi," I whispered. He groaned and kissed my lips slowly as he moved within me. My legs were jelly. Thank God he was holding me up his hands came between us as he played with one of my nipples and then deepened the kiss as he moved not too fast, not too slow but just right. My inner walls contracted as my orgasm neared. I never wanted this to end. He took his time savoring this moment as he let go of my lips and kissed everywhere his lips could reach. I felt his canine lengthen as it scapes my neck, but that turned me on even more as I turned my neck giving him more access. He pulled out of me, letting me slide down his body then turned me around so my back was facing him. He lifted me up so that I was the same height as him then moved my hair to one side and kissed my neck again, his hands were on my waist as he parted my legs and slowly pushed back into me. He held me in place and started moving one of his hands moved around my stomach and then other one squeezed one of my breasts as he started to fuck me so hard. I moaned as he sucked on my neck and push into me hard repeatedly, my orgasm neared I felt him getting bigger in me, and so did his body I let out a little scream of pleasure as he bit down and drank from me. My orgasm burst out, I felt him empty into me as he orgasm also. He pulled out, and I held onto the top of the pool and turned around, then used his shoulder to pull myself to his level and bit his neck, too. He moaned and I felt his erection swell between us again he used his hands and put his dick back into me as he started moving again, as I drank from him then I let go and kissed his lips and he started moving in me again, he held my legs just under the thighs as he moved faster feeling the need to bite him again, I let go of his lips and bit him feeling another orgasm burst through again, as soon as I bit him he began to come again.

I was breathing so hard.

"That was so amazing," I told him and watched him smile, we were still joining together as I smiled back at him and gave him another kiss.

"So I see that you have met my brother, mate," I heard Jin say as I peeped over Yoongi's shoulder, seeing all four of them walking towards us.

"Maybe we should join you." That came from Hoseok.

Hope you enjoy the chapter. If you did leave a comment, I love reading those!
Until next week, Friday, stay safe!
P.s that song goes so well with this 😆