Chapter 15: True Self Part 3

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Everyone was looking at me like I had grown two heads.

"What do you mean? I give birth to you!" Says my mother.

"Yes, I know, but that was how I got to know the supernatural world, I mean, if I had just come out of nowhere and said, I AM THE GOD OF WAR, YOUR WORLD IS IN DANGER, TRUST ME, I WILL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO PROTECT YOU, would you trust someone who came falling out of the sky? This was the only way I could get acquainted with the other supernatural beings, I was fulfilling my duties without realizing it, I went to each of the worlds and got to make a bond with all the kings. So now that I have my memory back, we need to be prepared."

"Did she hit her head or something?" Asked my brother.

"Be serious, son, now is not the time to joke."

"But father, she told us a story that is hard to believe, I mean, we grew up together," says my brother, looking at me. He seems worried.

My mates that were sitting next to me have not said anything. Did they trust me that much?

"Since you do not believe, watch. Hmmm, maybe we should go outside in the open for this."

My brother was about to say something when my sister spanked his arms, I smiled at her, and she winked at me.

When we all were outside...

I closed my eyes and summoned my armor. The sky turned dark, and thunder rolled, and lightning flashes lit up the sky.

My golden armor covered my body along with my crown, my eyes lit as my power of the Goddess of war shone through, I could see them watching in astonishment as my body lifted off the ground and my cape flew as the wind grew harder. My sword appeared and I lifted it to the sky, lightning made a connection to it, I turned back them, sensing that no one was there in that direction, I brought the lightning down taking out trees and splitting the ground in half. Then I turned back to them. When the lightning hit the ground, I heard my sister scream, feeling her fear. I flew, bringing my body close to her.

"I will never hurt you." My voice changed too much deeper as my power of the Goddess strengthened.

Just as it all started, I changed back, then turned around and clicked my fingers to set the land to how it was before.

"Now, do you believe me?"

"Y-es" stammered my brother.

I walked up to him and hugged him, I could feel him resisting at first, but then he hugged me back.

"I will always be your sister, no matter where I am from," I told him, and he hugged me tighter.

I could feel so many things coming from my mates. When my parents leave, I will have to sort it out.

I just smiled at them. They were good at keeping their composure. As Jungkook and Tae stretched out their hands, I went to them. And smiled at the others as we all walked back inside.

"That will take some getting used to." Says my father, I smile, knowing he is talking about me having so many mates.

"Now that that's sorted out, we will meet with the other worlds, and I will explain everything to them, but for now, be careful, and contact me if anything happens," I told my parents and siblings.

"I do not want you to stay out of the territory too long, so go back, when I discuss everything with my mates, we will see how we should move forward," I said as I went to hug my parents and siblings.

"You are truly amazing, sis." Says my sister as she kisses my cheeks.

I smiled at her if she only knew how much I had been through to become this strong. I might only be twenty-five here, but now that my powers have awoken, I smiled, knowing how old I was.

After my parents left, I was sitting with my mates in the same room. I was sitting in by myself. They were sitting in front of me on the huge couch that could fit a dozen people.

Nobody was saying anything they just sat and watched at me, this hair will take some getting used to again, as I tried to get it all into a ponytail, yoongi gave me a hair tie that was on his hair. Then, I sat back, folding his arms.

I bite my lips and then watch each one of them from head to toe, I bet I could take them all in one go, considering how strong I was now, it would be so good to fuck all of them at once.

"I told you that I could take them before." Says, Lu.

"I remembered, but now I want to strip them naked with my teeth and lick them from head to toe. I mean, how did I get so lucky? They are so fucking hot!"

"Control yourself before you trigger your heat!"

"Ohhh I did love to be in heat so that I could fuck them nonstop."

I smirked at them. They were just looking at me. Maybe I should strip. No, wait, I remembered they will have new powers also. They will have some of my abilities. But who had what? I will have to teach them how to use it.

I cleared my throat.

"So..." I started.

"If -"

I signal for jungkook to continue.

"If you don't talk soon, I might just bend you over that couch and fuck you hard,"

"You can bend me over anytime," I said with a smirk.

"But, right now, since you are mated to me, your powers will increase and you will have some new ones. Have you experienced anything since you woke up?"

They nodded.

"You mean to say you can do all of these things that we are experiencing?" Asked joon.

"Yes, all of those are my powers, but even though I could take on Demogorgon, we still need an army because he has been collecting supernatural beings and making clones and mixed breeds."

"That is why our people have been taken." Says Hoseok, and I nodded.

"Yes that is how he has been able to catch other beings, he has been making clones and monsters but even though he has all of that he still needs so much more to fight the Immortal army, Immortal warriors are powerful and have strict training. That is why he wants to take over the supernatural worlds."

"Our people have only been going missing for a few years now. How do you know all that?" Asked Jimin.

"Because the Immortal Sage showed me, he showed me a world where everything perishes with Demogorgon taking over the Immortal Realm, destroying and enslaving those who were left."

"But if that is what you saw, that means it will happen."

"Never! I will never make that happen! I will make sure he can never take over the supernatural world!"

"But why did you not kill him? I mean, you did defeat him."

"Because...because he is my uncle, he is my father's twin brother, but my grandfather chose my dad to take over the Immortal Realm after he found out that my uncle was practicing dark magic. I could never make my father fight his brother because he might kill my dad, my dad is too soft-hearted and he might not be able to hurt him, that is why I did it, he was seriously Injured when he was sent to the underworld, so was I but I heal fast, I protected the Immortal Realm with my life. But then the sage showed me how my uncle stuck the life out of the beings that were in prison and how he killed the ruler taking his powers."

"Why did you not go and kill him after finding out all that?" Asked Taehyung. They all looked puzzled.


Until next week take care!
Not edited.