Home sweet home

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*Josh grabs Jocelyn her suitcases and they walk towards the front door. They head inside and walk to the living room door. The door is closed, but you can already hear howls from Derek. Josh opens the door to the living room and Derek runs up to Jocelyn. He jumps on her and his tail wags*

Jocelyn: Hey, Derek! Have you missed me? My baby! Hello, darling... I missed you so much!

Josh: I thought that I was your baby?

*Jocelyn giggles and gives Josh a kiss. She walks to the couch and lies down. Josh follows and lies down next to her. They cuddle up against each other as the dog lies down at their feet*

Josh: You smell so good... 

Jocelyn: I knew you would love that perfume.

*she giggles as she snuggles up closer to Josh*

Jocelyn: I have this movie plot... If it was real, you would love it. Sadly, I can't write a book about it, because it just wouldn't send it like I want it to. It's a cool plot, but I don't think it will be appreciated by many people. 

Josh: Do you want to share the plot?

Jocelyn: Well... It has you and Penn as the protagonists... You know how Penn did his role in You? It's kind of based of the character. Only, he's not trying to be a nice guy, but he doesn't kill. Well, he doesn't kill directly. The name of that character would be Jax.

Josh: And my character?

Jocelyn: You rememer the movie you played in called Battle Of The Sunshines? 

Josh: Yeah...

Jocelyn: You know how that character was good, but fell into a psych state and turned evil? And then turned good again after some time?

Josh: Yeah, that was really fun to act!

Jocelyn: I know you loved it. The character's name is Nate, by the way. So, your character basically gets driven insane by Jax. You start killing your friends, because you have no idea what is real and what is not. You keep thinking these voices in your head are your friends talking. Actually, it's Jax who is manipulating you into driving crazy with these voices. You get so out of control that you kill Jax, thinking that he is fake, because he is always so nice to you. Atleast, you thought so. After you killed Jax, you sit on the murder scene like a lost pile of hope. The police barge in and you are thrown behind bars. After a week, you have a visitor. You're still in this crazy state. Voices in your head and the urge to stab someone, just to make the voices stop. You sit down in the chair and someone walks over at the other side of the glass. As soon as you see the person, your stomach drops. It's Jax? The person starts speaking, telling you to listen very carefully. He tells you his name, it's Jay? You wonder how he looks exactly like Jax. He reveals to be the twin brother of Jax and that they always were totally opposite. Jax never had a job and Jay is a psychologist. This also means that Jax was driving you crazy and Jay will try and help you now. He bails you out and meets up with you daily. After about a year, you are almost back to normal, but of course, with traumas. You have become best friends! After a while, you figure out that Jay is actually gay. You've had feelings for him for quite some time and finally come clean to him. You get into a relationship with Jay and eventually marry him! Looking back, you realize, you married the look alike of the person that drove you insane, which you killed. But at least you're happy with the other version.

Josh: Holy shit... Jocelyn... 

*Josh sits up looking at Jocelyn*

Josh: We have to make this. This will be huge! The plot twists are crazy... And I'm marrying the twin of my manipulator?! Who is the complete opposite of him?! But they are twins and dress alike?

Jocelyn: That's right. They dress alike and look alike, but they are completely different. I don't even know how to make a movie though! And if we would be able to, I wouldn't make it without you and Penn as the protagonists. 

Josh: This sounds fucking sick, I am totally in! 

Jocelyn: This is not happening!  I have no idea how to make this into a movie. How am I going to make a movie, without even knowing how to?

Josh: This is where I can help! We are going to producers, telling them that we need help with making a new movie. They will definitely know where we can turn in this idea. 

Jocelyn:  Are you sure we should do this? I'm not sure if it will be accepted...

Josh: We can at least try! Please, Jocelyn... This will be amazing! I can tell! 

Jocelyn: You know what... I'll call Penn tomorrow. If he agrees to act in this if it is able to be produced, we will try. 

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