Part 5: Ishan Rejects Nandini :(

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"Ishan.. You? What are you doing here?" I asked him shocked.. "Just came to meet you" he said casually, "C'mon now, get in!" I sat inside, closed the door and just looking outside the window I informed the watchman to take care of my scooty. The car wasn't yet started, so I looked at Ishan who was also looking at me.. Suddenly he bent forward and came close to me, I was shocked and dumbfounded at the same time.. He was inches close and my heart was running faster than usual.. The previous night's incident was a fresh flash in mind and now this action of him was making me nervous.. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.. He slowly forwarded his hand slowly to my waist and raised it uptil my shoulders.. I observed that from corner of my eyes and my breath stuck in throat.. He looked straight in my eyes and pulled the sit belt out of its hook and moving back he tied it in its place. I closed my eyes and inhaled some oxygen which was much needed. Soon I heard his husky voice, "What happened to your vehicle?" I kept quiet. He asked again after a while.. "It's not working" I answered robotically. He stopped before reaching my house and looked at me. I looked outside the window. "what happened Nandini?" He started inching, I looked at him and showed my palm.. "I'm tired. Plz drop me home" he looked disappointed but still started the car and dropped me. I opened the door and before getting down the car.. I said. "Don't come to my room tonight or else I won't talk to you" I felt selfish.. Of course I was behaving like one though he dropped me home like a gentleman this was my gratitude to him.. I was angry over me but needed to tell him that he can't come to my place every time. Later I freshened up myself and while having tea the constant thought of him while tying the seat belt was revolving in my mind. I tried ignoring but the truth was I was getting affected by the proximity that we shared today. I made myself busy in helping Amma with dinner and then other chores to avoid thinking about him. In night I was working on the presentation and my eyes fell on the day. It was Friday night and I sighed in relief realizing that the next day was Saturday and I had a holiday. I closed the window of presentation and switched to videos and played some random movies to enjoy and soon felt sleepy while watching it so kept the laptop aside and dozed off. ***Morning*** the alarm buzz was ignored due to holiday and Amma's shouting were avoided by covering the face with pillows.. Soon my sugary sleep was completed and I rubbed my eyes open and got up. Yawning I smiled looking at me in the mirror which was exactly in from of my bed.. After that I dragged myself to washroom and was having bath.. I heard Amma saying something but couldn't hear clear due to showers.. After having shower I wore white Kurti and my favourite lungi. Then looking in the mirror I was applying lotion on the skin when my I felt someone looking at me.. I turned at found Ishan looking at me with a smile... The bottle of lotion fell from my hands and my jaw dropped.. "What the hell are you doing here??" I asked shouting and checking myself from top to bottom.. Hell I was wearing lungi.. What will he think.. I maintained straight expressions and looked at him angrily.. He stood up moved towards the door, I felt relieved thinking that he is going but instead he closed the bolt of door and came towards me.. I stepped back and he came close.. He continued coming forward and I continued moving backwards untill my back hit the wall and my breaths were uneven ready to experience the proximity again. "You look so sexy" he said after coming hell closer and keeping his hands such a way that were blocking my way. I was looking everywhere except him. He lifted his hand and caressed my chin with his finger. My body felt chills down the spine when he touched my chin. I was loosing myself I felt. "What did you say?" I uttered finally and removed his finger from my chin. "I said you are Indian epitome of beauty" really? The two sentences differ from each other in every possible way. "move" I ordered still not looking at him. "only when you look at me" was his reply. I looked at him angrily, "One can get hospitalized due to your anger" he said smirking.. "Ishan, its a no" I said pushing him back. "No for?" He asked faking innocence. "No for KalyaNam!" I said and pushed him and took my remaining cloths from the cupboard and dashed inside the washroom. My senses were abnormal and I needed to calm myself. Though I was showered already, I started it again and got wet and wet untill I felt calm. After an hour I came out and saw him nowhere. Immediately closed the door of my room and sat there for hours not wanting to face the questions of Amma and Appa for letting him go out of my room. "I'm sorry" came his message in the evening when I was reading a romantic novel. Yeah I often read novels when I feel irritated. From where he got my number, I wondered. "I got your number from Vishal" was another text. "I'm sorry for behaving so cheesy this morning but I couldn't control!" Third text. I read and felt like banging my head of wall. Is this the way one apologize? Couldn't control? "You lust me, don't you?" I replied angrily. That was the end of our conversation. Neither he replied nor I waited. At last a tear escaped my eye for reason unknown to me. **Morning** generally Sunday morning I break records of my lately waking ups but today was exception, I was wide awake in seven of morning, doing nothing, thinking of yesterday and wasting the time on flashbacks again and again. While bathing I again guessed him to be there but he wasn't there. I went down after bathing and Amma and Appa were asking me expected questions about him. Before I could answer, the telephone rang and Appa answered it.. "What? But why? Is there a problem? Really? But? Okay, Illai, no issues, we can understand, no she won't mind trust me.." Appa was looking shocked, sad, angry lil bit, then forcing smile and all other expressions he could have that time. Amma asked what happened after he hanged up. "it was Ishan Shrinivas was other side" Appa spoke and paused. Ishan Shrinivas ? With surname? There's something wrong, he resumed again.. "He said no to KalyaNam with Nandini" he said sadly and Amma's outburst of expressions started.. I was shocked too not because of my parents' behaviour but because of him, Ishan.

****Some time later****

"Nandini, will you bother to explain us what happened exactly?" Amma asked me angrily.. I was making excuses in my mind for this unexpected situation when Appa told us something that was not at all expected .. "He told me that he dint like Nandini and besides he is not planning of KalyaNam sooner.." "But this is not expected.. He himself came to see Nandu?" Amma asked Appa.. Who was equally helpless with the explanation. I wondered how Amma referred me with Nandini and Nandu at the same time within a minute due to matter of accusation. "Lakshmi, it was us who invited them to see our daughter.. Explicitly they were clear about the fact that they aren't hurried for the marriage.. So technically here no one is to be blamed..!" Appa was explaining with his skills to Amma who was not satisfied with his attempts.. Rather she couldn't digest the fact that Ishan had actually rejected me. The whole afternoon they discussed the overall situation and I chose to listen as well think of it again.. Evening crept in and we decided to forget the whole thing and move on.. Yeah move on because Amma was behaving as if she has lost her love.. I wondered what charm Ishan possessed for my whole family.. Except me.. Neither Vishal nor my parents ever took him as any bad guy.. Which he exactly was not but he definitely lacked the ability to understand me and offer me my space. **Night** "That means he had actually rejected you?" Pooja asked for zillionth time over the call when I told her the whole scenario. "Yeah and before you ask again let me make you talk to Amma for final confirmation" I was irritated by the whole drama that people surrounding me were creating.. "But wait a second.. That's exactly what you wanted right?" She asked after a minute and something inside me ached a little.. "Yup.. And see I'm successful in my plan!" I tried faking a prideful excuse but it came out as sad remark. "What plan? And most importantly, you don't seem to be happy?" She guessed it right.. Best friend, I tell you. "Nope babe, I'm the happiest person on this planet right now" I again tried to bring enthusiasm in my voice which was a fail attempt. "Shut up! Don't fake things.. Coz you suck at it" she continued.. "But what's surprising is.. Why aren't you happy with the fact that he had rejected you which was most desired wish by you since you came to know that he is coming to see you?" She chipped the fact and she was right.. I excused myself from the call and after hanging up the whole night I kept thinking why would he reject me.. Just because of the message that I sent or is there something more to it? Well I needed to find that.. Coz for the first time I had a sleepless night and I can't afford such nights for a person whom I hardly care about. In morning I dragged myself to office somehow and tried concentrating on the work.. But all attempt were going useless. The more I tried to work the more I found myself thinking about him. I was irritated and so was my boss who was angry too because I wasn't working well and like usual he ordered me to bring the best out if my work and I nodded like a robot. "Ms. Murthy, stop nodding like a robot and listen to very carefully, some delegates from other company are coming to see our work and accordingly if they like it, they will accompany us with a project which they're working on already.. They're willing do it with capable software developers and I've recommended your name for it. I hope you won't disappoint me, now go and make our software model ready for execution and give your best because indirectly you're going to represent me and our company." My boss told me about some delegates coming in to the company and I assured my best performance for it.. While leaving boss informed me that they're coming on the next day. I had a lot of time till tomorrow and I had to put my best efforts to it since I'm going to work with other company there were chances that if they like my performance then they may hire me for their company with some better package and it directly means promotion and a little milestone of success. I cleared my mind from all the thoughts of Ishan and postponed the activity of thinking about him to some other day may be. I kept working late evening and then coming back home, when I was done with the dinner and other activities, I resumed my work.. I kept working late night and while giving some final touches to the model I dozed off.. **Morning** I woke up to Amma's shouting and realizing that I was running late, I hurried my bath and then breakfast and rode all the way to office.. Faster than usual. The time was yet left for the delegates to come so I revised my preparations for presenting the software and soon my boss informed me that they are arrived.. I joined my palms and took blessings of Shiva in mind and left for the meeting hall. Precap- I won't say that the presentation is flawless because it has some pros and cons like every other but what I liked the most is the efforts that this developer have put in.. The delegates appreciated Nandini but she seemed to be nervous like hell...

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