Part 6: Ishan Kisses Nandini

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As soon as I entered the meeting hall, I noticed three persons from them two wearing formal three piece suit and the third wearing shirt with sleeves folded upto elbow accompanied with a trouser.. My heart started beating fast reminding of Ishan wearing same type of cloths when he came to see me.. I just wished the person shouldn't be him.. While I was busy observing them my boss called me to join them and then the delegates turned to me and my heart skipped a beat. Shit the third person was Ishan and what surprised me was he was equally shocked seeing me.. I was too numb to react but somehow composed myself and approached them. Some formal hi hellos were exchanged between us and I avoided to see in Ishan's eyes not because I was guilty but because I wanted to give my best performance today and I may feel nervous by the eye contact with him. After a while everyone present there took their seats and I was told to start my presentation. I closed my eyes and assured myself that I can do it! I explained them the details of our software model, its advantages and disadvantages, its future scope and every other details.. Needless to say that not once I looked at Ishan and maintained the confidence level that I wanted to achieve. While the presentation was going on I observed the other two delegates discussing and nodding in approval. After the presentation was over, I finally looked at Ishan who clapped a little while the others two gave me hearty congratulations for giving a good performance. Somehow my heart ached seeing Ishan not interested so much in my performance and I felt sad over it. When my boss asked them about their reviews about our software they said.. "I won't say that the presentation was flawless, because it had the pros and cons like every other one but what I liked the most was the efforts the developer put in it." This was the saying of one of the other two persons and the second one gestured that he too agreed with the first one. Now it was time of Ishan and my heart again started beating fast as if his approval could be most important thing that I wished for there. "Yeah, I agree to Mr. Iyer but according to me the developer presented the product in a least interesting format. If this way one present its work then no one would be satisfied with the efforts the developer is putting in. What I want to say is absolutely the product is good but I would like to suggest you Ms. " he stopped for a second as if he doesn't know me.. I felt dejected and before I could speak my boss spoke.. "Ms. Murthy," "Yeah, Ms. Murthy, please improve your presentation skills and otherwise the software is good." His brief review and every sentence in his review acted as knife in my heart, I honestly felt that he was doing it purposely, I mean he deliberately criticised my work and took revenge of my message. But why would he mix professional and personal life? My mind asked.. I ignored all the thoughts and waited for their final decision till then my boss looked a bit disappointed but when the all the three delegates approved our software mine and boss's happiness knew no bounds.. I felt happy after a lot of time and the credit goes to Mr. Ishan Shrinivas who agreed to approve the software. "Even though we've approved the software the final presentation will be given by me while presenting this software in front of the client." Ishan added in the last.. I got angry.. I mean how can he present the product of my company just because I was weak in presentation according to him? No I won't let him take the credit of product which he doesn't even know? I was about to protest but thanks to my boss who nodded all positively not even thinking of the consequences. I was angry, very angry, but who cares..? I sighed and took my laptop and was leaving the hall when Ishan spoke.. "Well, I was just checking your agreement to the proposal I will present after this presentation and seems like you are all set to give your best performance for the next combined product, isn't it Ms. Murthy?" I turned back to him and he for the first time smiled at me.. His smile was genuine and something adorable. I returned the smile and they at last offered me the deal of working with their product as a developer as they liked my coding methods.. "So Ms. Murthy you will be accompanying Ms. Ishan Shrinivas in developing the remaining design of our software and I hope you both make a good team!" The other two delegates informed me and I slightly looked at Ishan who was already looking at me with a tint of smirk on his lips.. So I, Nandini Murthy, will have to work with Mr. Ishan Shrinivas for the next six months.. Hmm seems adventurous, I thought and thanking the delegates I left for my house. ***Evening In House*** "So how was your day?" Appa asked me when I was watching TV, I turned to him and smilingly replied.. "It was good, how was yours?" "Mine too good, Nandu, I wanted to ask you something" Appa looked concerned, "Yes Appa, what is it?" "Are you alright, I mean after Ishan's rejection?" Appa asked and looked in my eyes, I felt as if someone have asked me something which I never wanted to answer, before my eyes well up I spoke, "Yes Appa, I'm absolutely fine, and in fact I always wanted time for such things so may be I'll get the time that I wanted." This was most of a lie, I felt. "Well then, I'm proud of you Nandu and don't worry we'll find a better match!" Appa assured me but I knew he himself wasn't convinced with what he said just. I smiled in return and not wanting to talk anything further about him, I retired back to my room. While having dinner Amma was looking exceptionally happy, "What happened Amma?" Vishal asked finally, "Illai, you know Ishan called before sometime," the water that I was drinking stuck in my throat and I looked at Amma in shock, "He is coming tomorrow with his family to meet Nandini" "What? But why?" I asked not yet getting the purpose, "He said he wants to apologize to you for sudden rejection and wants to meet you one last time" she explained, but I knew things were not that simple.. "Last time?" I asked puzzled. "last time as in before we see other boys for Nandini" really? This could be the most lame excuse I've ever heard, Ishan what's going on in your mind? I wasn't ready to meet, definitely not after today's meeting, so I was thinking ways to avoid him, "What's so much to be happy in that?" Appa asked my question to Amma. "He is so well mannered, and caring, a perfect gentleman, I still wish he could've said a yes to this KalyaNam" Amma and her expectations, I wondered why Ishan was beloved so much to everyone and why was I the one who couldn't see his that side?

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