Chapter 6

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After the meeting, Pete had the waiters serve them some drinks. Upon finishing his drink, Charlie stood up, adjusting his very expensive suit, and prepared to leave.

"Well, since this meeting is concluded, it's time to depart. I missed a race for this," Charlie complained.

"And where do you think you are going?" Kinn smirked. "Tankhun wants to see you. He even asked me to bring you along if necessary."

Charlie, who was making his way to the door, froze. "Tell him I didn't participate in this meeting."

"Nope, I already sent him a picture to confirm you are here," Kinn said, his evil smile growing brighter. The only person who could put Charlie in his place was Tankhun.

Tankhun, brimming with chaotic energy, served as Charlie's constant source of amusement and annoyance. Whenever Tankhun was around, Charlie felt his energy being sucked away as Tankhun relentlessly dragged him into his schemes.

"You can leave, but don't expect me not to tell him you are avoiding him," Kinn said, visibly satisfied with himself.

Charlie rolled his eyes. "I was going to visit him one of these days anyway. Might as well do it now," he said resignedly.

All four of them got into their cars and headed for Theerapanyakul's residence. Upon arriving, Charlie stepped out of the car and sighed. This place felt like his second home.

Entering the mansion, they found Tankhun in the living room, surrounded by his guards, who were watching a movie at an ear-splitting volume.

Spotting Tankhun, Charlie rushed over and hugged him. "P', have you missed me?" he whined, attempting to act cute.

"Charlie~ I missed you so much. But you never come to see me," Tankhun replied, pulling Charlie into a tight hug before giving him a playful slap. "You're so bad. You think you're too important now to visit me. Remember, I'm the most important person here. You better visit me every week," he scolded, delivering another light slap.

"Oi, P', that hurts. I promise to come visit more," Charlie whined, snuggling into Tankhun's embrace and wrapping himself in the blanket.

Watching the exchange, Kinn muttered, "Two-faced idiot," annoyed by Charlie's attempts at cuteness as he settled down with Porsche on his lap, while Pete took a seat too.

"By the way, how is P'Pakin's underground race going?" Tankhun asked, his interest piqued.

"Not bad. You should come watch me race. I'm pretty good at it, you know. And Kim and Chay are doing great too," Charlie replied.

"Really? Then I have to come see it. When is the next race?" Tankhun suggested.

"Well, the last race was tonight, so the next one should be next month," Charlie replied with a smile.

"Nope, that won't do. Have P'Pakin arrange another race. Tell him I'm coming," Tankhun commanded with a sassy tone, flicking his hair dramatically.

"P' Tankhun, P'Pakin can't just arrange a race on a whim," Charlie explained.

"Why not? Am I not important enough?" Tankhun retorted, raising an eyebrow teasingly.

Tankhun grinned mischievously, his eyes twinkling with determination. "Watch me," he said, pulling out his phone and dialing P'Pakin's number without hesitation.

As the phone rang, Tankhun's confidence never wavered. "P'Pakin, it's the amazing Tankhun. Listen, I need a favor," he began, his tone authoritative yet charming.

Meanwhile, Charlie exchanged a glance with Kinn, who shook his head in disbelief. Tankhun's ability to bend situations to his will was both impressive and slightly terrifying.

After a few minutes of persuasive conversation, Tankhun hung up the phone with a satisfied smirk. "Consider it done," he declared triumphantly. "We have a race next week."

Charlie chuckled, amazed at Tankhun's persuasive powers. "You never cease to amaze me, P', I know my dad so the fact you were able to pull that off is incredible." he admitted, shaking his head in admiration.

Tankhun grinned, basking in the praise. "Well, when you're as irresistible as I am, getting your way is just a matter of charm," he quipped, striking a pose for dramatic effect.

Kinn rolled his eyes, accustomed to Tankhun's theatrics. "I think P' Pakin just doesn't want to deal with your drama. Let's just hope this race lives up to all the hype," he remarked.

"Why don't we make this more interesting? Kinn and Charlie race each other and if Kinn wins, Charlie has to stop teasing Kinn but if Charlie wins, Kinn has to grant him one wish," Porsche suggested.

"That's not enough for me to race this old ghost," Charlie refused.

"Then how about this?" Pete, who had been silent, spoke up and handed his tablet to Charlie. He was interested in the race.

Charlie went through it and found a purchase certificate for land that both Pakin empire and Theerapanyakuls wanted, and they've both been pestering Pete about it and he hasn't been able to decide who to give it to.

"Now we are talking. I'm in," Charlie smirked and handed the tablet to Kinn.

"Fine. This is a good way to settle who gets the land," Kinn agreed and with that, the final racers for next week's race were decided.

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