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Joseph POV

"Jo! Go talk to her okai" my best friend , Jane , was trying to hook one of her girlfriends and me up. "You've been like staring at her for like a minute now ya know and it might scare her leh"

It was after class and I was hanging out with Jane in school as usual before my CCA starts.

"Meh" I replied

"I confirmed it, Steph likes yew too." She said.


"So go talk to her you oblivious dickhead!" She exclaimed

" I know she likes me but ..." I was interrupted .

"I'm shipping you two so hard right now " Gwen said as she walked by with Justin , holding hands.

Justin's my best bro , and Gwen and Jane are like bffs. Jane and I practically caused their relationship.

"Please ,I'm out of her league" I giggled and Jane punched my arm.

The bell rang, it was time for our CCAs to start. Justin and Gwen were in the same CCA so they left, Justin gave me a smirk before leaving.

What a dick. I never considered Jane in any other way except as a friend , though we were so close.

"Whelp , I'm taking off " Jane announced," smell ya later "

"Have fun with Matt !" I teased with a wink .

She just walked off shyly.

Matthew was my good friend , and also Jane's Crush. They were in the same CCA.

I then proceed off to my own CCA- Karate . I was an expert in Karate , being the highest ranked in the club. Just off one rank by the master .

There I was , training my juniors and then suddenly... The evacuation sirens suddenly came on. Singapore only have these sirens on total defense day , AND ITS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO TOTAL DEFENSE!

The whole club evacuated and headed to our school band room, which also is a bomb shelter. There was a whole crowd in front of the band room and there was no way in . Then suddenly , a mild earthquake occurred .

Everyone was panicking and pushing. I knew I have to think of some place to go fast. I caught a glimpse of Stephanie trying to get in to the band room. I quickly grabbed her and pulled her along with me . We left the school and headed to my house which was very near the school. My house had a bomb shelter at the kitchen.

We went to the kitchen and I opened the door to see my sis and domestic helper taking cover there. We entered the shelter and waited for the siren to end.

"Hi..." Stephanie greeted them as they waved back.

"Thanks Joseph, it was chaotic there. I was so scared, do you know what's going on?" Stephanie asked.

"Hmm... Not really sure " I said as I pulled out my phone to check."

My sis was giving me that smirk ever since we came in.

"HOLY SHIT" I shouted as I went through Facebook.

Everyone in the room widened their eyes.

"Aliens have taken over they said , in all news... Even America was taken down"

Stephanie gasped.

"Will mum and dad be ok?" My sis asked.

" Yeah, the aliens only took down all government." I reassured.

Wow, is this really happening? A real alien invasion ? It's like a movie sia. This can't be real.

Suddenly my phone black out , and turn on again, with a man in video clip of some sort. Not only my phone , my sis and Stephanie phones have the same man on their phone.

The man announced .
"We are the Stardian empire. We are another race of Qwertions like the human race. Because the humans and Stardians have the same genetic coding, we look exactly like you. Our mission is to expand our empire and take over all civilization across the galaxy. We have taken over all forms of human Authorization in less than an earth day. This has proven how efficient and superior we are to you. We are currently discussing new laws to be made for every country in the world. For now, carry on with your normal lifes . If you see any of our Stardian Troops, Bow to them or face consequences. As we are superiority."

The video then shut off.

"Siolz... That was kinda cliché... Aliens communicating by hacking into all devices of the world to make a threatening announcement lol" I mentioned.

" Is this really happening, I don't feel all that bad though, since normal life carries on" Stephanie said.

"I don't think aliens should be looking like that... Maybe this is a world wide prank." My sis joked.

The sirens stopped.

This was global news , every channel has it. Stephanie went home . My parents came home that day. Hugging us tightly at first sight. Jane and Justin was spamming me the whole day but I did not reply them at all. I was scared.
I was afraid.

What will happen to us?

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