Powers, Abilities, Belongings and Weaknesses

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Empathy: Shiloh Saltzman acquired empathic powers through his DNA as a result of being a descendant/doppelganger of Artemis. He has the ability to access people's emotions, moods, temperaments and physical sensations. This power grants him capabilities over people's feelings. However, as he doesn't have control over this ability, he is forced to experience a person's feelings rather than simply sensing them all the time, allowing him to feel the grief and sadness of Harry Potter, which caused Shiloh to weep, even while Harry remained emotionless on the outside. When using his empathic abilities, Shiloh's irises emit a pinkish color.

- Pathokinesis: Shiloh possesses the ability to sense the emotions of others and alter them according to his will. With it, Shiloh can resolve a tense situation peacefully or, make people coexist more easily. Shiloh can also enlighten someone's mood; he describes it as a subtle ability, and is very useful in resolving conflicts. Shiloh can also manipulate the level of intensity that people feel emotions, as shown when he calmed Hermione so much that she fell asleep. He can also sense hostility and use it to his advantage.

- Pain Absorption: Shiloh has demonstrated himself capable of calming down an individual's pain (physical, emotional and mental) and causing them relief. However, the pain does not vanish, Shiloh himself is forced to experience that individual's pain.

- Tactile Mind Control: By combining tactile contact with verbal guidance simultaneously, he is able to assert authority over others which he refers to as "pushing". Shiloh makes them stand still and thereafter issuing instructions, he compels them to act in accordance with his commands. Though the full scope of his capabilities remains uncharted, he exhibits the power to convince people to carry out actions, even those contrary to their best interests. He does not like using this ability to make people do what he wants them to do all the times. (Considering its similiarities with the Imperius Curse, Shiloh has been advised by Dumbledore not to use this ability).

- Telepathic Resistance: Shiloh can resist the invasion of other legilimens and the effects of compulsion, and according to Dumbledore, his mind has one of the strongest natural shields he has ever seen.

- Sleep Induction: Shiloh has the ability to induce sleep or feelings of tiredness in individuals when pushing, aiding in calming or subduing them.

Magic: Shiloh is a very powerful young wizard. Born with innate magical potential, capable of manipulating magic for a variety of purposes, e.g. casting spells and manipulating matter, whether tangible like an object or the environment, or something intangible like time, by supernatural means.

- Magical Mastery: Even at a young age, Shiloh proves himself to be a precociously gifted magical protigy, as he is able to utilize and control magic, without the use of a wand to an unnaturally high level: he has shown that he is able to move objects with his mind, and communicate with and control animals. Shiloh will usually be the first or second to master any spell, his aptitude only matched by Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy, and will be able to use spells beyond his educational level.

- Telekinesis: Shiloh is able to move, levitate and otherwise manipulate objects, ranging from doors to people, cars and even trains, with mere gestures and focus. Dumbledore once stated that Shiloh's powers have no limits. Alaric has stated that in a fit of rage and frustration, Shiloh subconsciously threw a car across a street.

This was demonstrated by the fact that Shiloh caused a bag of chips to float out of the kitchen and into his room over to him, until this was noticed by Alaric, who caught it before it reached Shiloh. His power can also affect matter that is in a liquid or gaseous state, as it inadvertently froze his falling cereal bowl and milk in mid-air as if it was suspended in time.

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