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Lately, Alaric Saltzman has been frantic. And Shiloh has noticed. He has seen it. Alaric burning letters containing important information in the fireplace. Sweeping up a piles of owl feathers. He thought those only came out at night. He has to read up about it. Shiloh has felt it even. Fear, regret and a bit of anger. Though, they both agreed to look pass Shiloh's 'delusion' of feeling the emotions of others. It's as though the simple mention of something outside the laws of Nature and Science makes Alaric go crazy-dad mode. It is the end of August and despite the warm weather outside, Shiloh's room always seem to be running on mid-winter temperatures.


The few whispers from the living room manage to travel through the air to Shiloh's room. Three distinct voices ring shyly in his ears. His father, an old man and a woman. He pushes himself to his feet and makes his way to his door. He turns the knob and pulls the door open. Alaric has his arms crossed over his chest. As he leans on the windowsill within the living room. Waves of anger and frustration emanating from him. The elderly man and beautiful woman, their guests, are seated at the small dining table. The elderly man silent and observant beside her. The argument from earlier was forced into silence the moment he opened the door. Silence occupies the four cornered space. Whatever they were discussing, it was obviously about him, and they don't want him to know. And it has Alaric furious.

"What's going on?" Shiloh inquires, slightly drawing out the question a bit. All the attention on his small figure. Alaric moves over towards him, kneeling down to the little one's level. Alaric's next words were not going to be good. Shiloh could tell from his facial expression. Daddy disappointment face. Alaric rests a hand on Shiloh's shoulder and spares him a sad smile.

"Remember the stories I always tell you before bed?" Alaric questions him, as Shiloh gives him a look of annoyance. Now was the worst time for this. He wants to know what Alaric has to say.

"Which one? The one about dragons and unicorns, or the one about witches and wizards?" Shiloh decides to indulge Alaric in their little 'discussion'.

"So, he knows something. That's a good start." The woman speaks up, a thick english accent present in her tone. A quick flash of annoyance is present on Alaric's face. They have obviously met before.

"Pops, who are... our guests?" He questions Alaric, with an expression that demands answers. Not meaning for his tone to be interpreted as disrespectful or angered. Alaric lets out a breath and runs his finger through his hair.

"This..." Alaric starts, gesturing to the woman. "Is one of your aunts on your... mom's side." She spares him a grin. A welcoming one. And Shiloh can see it. She does resemble him. Or, does he resemble her? "Madison". He introduces, albeit with a hint of bitterness. "And our other guest, Albus Dumbledore. They're here to explain the... things that happen around you." Despite the fague description, Shiloh knows exactly what Alaric is referring to. The emotion thing. And then the other things that happened. Things would move. Floating without any assistance. It's not normal. But Alaric accepts all of Shiloh's flaws.

"I didn't know I had an aunt." Shiloh interjects. They have never really talked about his mother, or his maternal relatives. He always assumes it was for a good reason. And now, his assumption has come back to bite him, harshly. Madison also has a letter that she occasionally twirls between her fingers.

"What's with the letter?" He inquires. Because he recognizes it. It resembles the ones burnt by Alaric. The white parchment envelope. The intricate designs on it. The dark scarlet stamp in its center. Sealing its content away from the world. So, whatever is contained in this letter, Alaric never wanted him to see it. But he cannot burn it this time. Not with Madison and Dumbledore here.

"This? Nothing much... just your ticket into a world of magical wonders." Madison responds. Alaric scoffs and mutters a few inaudible words. It appears that even with Alaric's attempts, Shiloh has the opportunity to see the letter's content once again. And that's an opportunity he's going to run with.

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