Chapter Two

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Shiloh is warm. He is so warm and cozy in the quint bar. It's small, but not uncomfortably small. He's never been inside a bar before. It's completely new to him. The inside of the building. He stares up at the ceiling above him. The distinct whispers of the bar's tenants annoying him. He has a small bag on him. He didn't pack much. Madison had magicked away any necessity. He does keep the Hogwarts letter on him. She leads him to a small walled-off courtyard behind the bar. There's nowhere for them to go from here. Madison pulls her wand out of her sleeve. Madison motions with the wand over the wall as she tries to remember the right way to do this. She doesn't get to use this entrance often. Madison taps the wall three times and takes a few steps back, and pulls Shiloh with her. The bricks she'd tapped tremble and shake before a small hole appears. Gradually getting bigger and bigger until it created an archway for them. Shiloh rolls his eyes as he mentally scolds himself for finding that exciting.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley." Madison whispers to Shiloh who can't take his eyes off of the view beyound the archway. He hurries forward, the excitement barely contained within him. As Madison steps through the wall to follow him.

One of the first things Shiloh wanted to do, was to get the right animal. He was determined and clearly stubborn, so Madison caved and did just that. She actually hoped Gringotts would be their first stop. She wanted Shiloh to have a feel and understanding of wizard money. But, he's a smart kid. Madison's sure he'll figure it out. He always does, so Alaric claimed. But Shiloh is her nephew, and his choice was animals. This is why Madison is stood outside the Magical Menagerie. Waiting for their chance to get inside. Shiloh, however, scrunched his nose and frowned. He turned to Madison and tugged her off the line.

"It's not a big deal. We can come back later." Shiloh claimed. Madison had sensed otherwise. He really wanted an animal. It was apparent. He was clearly moping. Madison allowed him to pull her ways. It was his poor attempt at coping. This is his way. And she didn't stop him. Madison stops. He is subsequently pulled back. He looks over to Madison's line of sight. Ollivander's. A leaning building. That sells wands. He has done delicate and precise magic without a wand. He doesn't find the need for one. The have everything, excluding the animal.

"Just your wand left," Madison reminds him. Crossing off robes and cauldron on the list in hand. "We'll get that at Ollivander's." Shiloh scrunches his nose at the name. "He makes the best wands." Madison adds. Shiloh offers a warm smile. Masking his annoyance at shopping. As his pace fastens. Madison fastens her pace. Matching his strides. She reaches down and grasps hold of his smaller, warmer hand. Madison leads Shiloh into Ollivander's. The leaning building that was quite quint. It has very little light. But Shiloh doesn't care. He doesn't care that his nose is itching from the dust. He is finally here. The shopping will soon come to an end. He moves forward. Resting his hands on the desk. Using the desk to push himself onto his toes. To look over the desk.

"Good afternoon." A voice greets from among the many boxes in the store. Shiloh jumps a bit. Looking around to figure out the voice. On a stool high above the ground is Ollivander. "Lovely to see you again, Miss Flemming. It's always a pleasure to see former buyers." Shiloh gives Madison a look. Earning a shrug from her. Ollivander's eyes move to Shiloh.

"Hi" Shiloh meekly offers.

"Ah...yes... yes. My day couldn't be better. First Harry Potter now Shiloh Black." Ollivander grins. Shiloh rolls his eyes. He couldn't be that much popular. The old man was merely exaggerating. Hopefully.  

"Can I just buy a wand and go? Sleep is slowly kicking in." Shiloh questions. A yawn escaping him. Ollivander chuckles and raises an eyebrow.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, ma boy." Ollivander states. "Hold out your wand arm." He instructs. Shiloh tilts his head. Writing hand maybe. He assumes Ollivander is asking for which hand is better for use. Whilst it doesn't matter, Shiloh does hold out his right hand.

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