Magic Bullet

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Archer POV:
Staring at the 'A' on my test that was handed back to me I have a wide smile on my face. I am sitting next to Scott and stiles in behind him. Scott makes a face at his test and turns it over so I can't see. Stiles is tapping my brother on the shoulder trying to get his attention. "If Derek isn't the Alpha, if he's not the one that bit you, then who did?" Scott bites his lip, shaking his head back and forth. "I dont know."

Stile continues to bombard him with questions that my poor brother doesn't know the answers to, until he gets so annoyed that he yells out drawing the attention of everyone in the class. Stiles tries to play it off while looking at the window. He grabs his test and smiles at his grade and shows it to me giving me a thumbs up.

When Scott picks his test up again Stiles looks over his shoulder and frowns. "Dude, you need to study more." My brother flips his test over again and sends a glare to his friend. "That was a joke Scott. It's just one test. Do you want any help studying?"

Scott sighs and looks back down at his test. "No, I'm studying with Allison after school today." Stiles suggestively wiggles his brows and pats my brother on the back. "That's my boy!" I giggle and Scott rolls his eyes "We're just studying." He insisted. I snickered, "Uh no, you're not." My brother frowns."Scotty, she didn't invite you over to just study." I say matter of factly. "I'm not?" He looks utterly confused. " Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you! If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to god. I will have you deballed." Stiles exclaims. My brother sighs and nods his head "Yeah. Okay. Just.. Stop with all the questions."
Stiles and I had planned to go back to his house to study... Actually study. After we jump in the Jeep and start making our way out of the school parking lot when I yell "Look out!" Stiles slams on the breaks and we jerk forward. "Derek?" I gasped while jumping out of the Jeep. He looks awful, swaying on his feet as I reach him he falls to the ground.

There's a line of cars behind the Jeep. Stiles is still in the driver's seat looking confused while Scott runs over to us. "You've got to be kidding me. This guy is everywhere." Stiles complained while throwing his hands in the air. "Scotty help me!" I have Derek's head in my hands. "What are you doing here?" Scott demands. Stiles has gotten out of the car and is standing behind me now. "I was shot." Derek grinds out. "He's not looking so good, dude." My brother frowns in confusion. "Why aren't you healing?" Derek groans and closes his eyes in pain. "I can't.. It was a different type of bullet." "What. A silver bullet?" Stiles beamed. Derek seems to be able to fight the pain just long enough to shoot stiles with a bitchy expression "No, you idiot."

As if Scott has a revelation as to what is going on he declared "That's what she meant when she said you had forty-eight hours." Derek's eyes widen in alarm. "What? Who-who said forty-eight hours?" I try to help Derek sit up but he groans in pain and I mumble an apology. "The one who shot you." Scott grimaces. Derek lets out a growl. His eyes flash bright blue. He grimaces and they continue to flash back and forth.

Stiles grabs me under the arms and pulls me into him moving us away from the werewolf that seems to be fighting his transformation. "What are you doing? Stop that." Scott demands "That's what I'm trying to tell you-- I can't." exasperated Derek as he sighed heavily. My brother grabs onto the werewolves shoulders and tries to pull him over to Stiles' Jeep. "Help me." He orders. I move to help but Stiles stops me then proceeds to step forward toward my twin.

Once they get Derek in the back seat of the Jeep me and Stiles climb into the front seat. "I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used." Derek groans out. Scoffing my brother asks "How the hell am I supposed to do that?" As if it's obvious Derek counters "Because she's an Argent." "Why should I help you?" My brother questioned. Derek, who looks seriously scared to die, reasons "because you need me." Signing my brother finally agrees and tells a very pissed looking Stiles to get us out of here. "I hate you so much for this." He grumbles while driving away from the school.

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