Wolf's Bane

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Archer POV:

I haven't talked to Scott since yesterday. I have been able to ignore every single one of his attempts to talk to me. I woke up early so that I could have mom drive me to school under the ruse that I have a project due, when in reality I went to the library to study with Isaac. He comes to school early everyday so he doesn't have to be at home any more than he has to be. I know that his dad hits him.. He's never specifically told me, but when he comes to school with bruises and won't it's always "I fell", it's pretty easy to put the pieces together. I've offered for him to come stay at my house when he needs to, but he always refuses not wanting to get me in trouble.

When first periods started I was able to duck into the classroom and sit far away from our usual seats before Scott could stop me. He is my brother, and I love him, but I'm still replaying all the things he said to me in my head. Full moon or not, the things he said to me really hurt me. So, I plan to let him stew in his guilt and grovel for my forgiveness.

When the bell rings for lunch, I quickly pack up my stuff and try to bolt to my next class but I hear Lydia's voice that slows my movements. "Ar!" I'm still a little mad at her for making out with my brother, so I keep moving through the sea of students, intent on ignoring her. "Ar!" I hear her call again. "Archer May!" She yells as she finally grabs onto my wrist. "Please. Just a minute." I turn to look at her and her face looks riddled in guilt. "You get two minutes." I sigh as my strawberry blonde friend pulls me into an empty classroom.

She's wringing her hands together as she paces a short way in front of me. "Look, I want to apologize for yesterday. I should have never made out with Scott.. I was just mad at Jackson for being so protective and flirty with Allison when we were locked in the school. I wanted to make him mad.. I didn't stop to think how it would make you feel. For that I really am sorry. You're my best friend Archer.. I can't have you hating me." I study her for a moment, Lydia almost never apologizes... for anything... Her making out with my brother had less to do with me being upset with her and more of me being mad at Scott. I cross my arms over my chest and sigh. "It's okay Lyds... I'm more upset with Scotty anyways and we both know I am going to forgive him eventually too." She lets out a sigh of relief and wraps me in a hug. "I love you, you know?" I return her hug and hum in agreement.

When she pulls away though, she still looks a little sad. "What's wrong Lyds?" She looks behind me before quickly looking back at me. "You just forgave me and I don't want you to be mad at me again... But he begged me to help him..." With that she runs out of the classroom as I turn around and face my brother. I move to go towards the door but I see Stiles standing on the other side of it. Turning around to face my brother I cross my arms and glare at him. "What do you want, Scott?." I can see the hurt of me not calling him by his nickname, as it flashes through him. "Archer, I've been looking for you all morning. Please. Talk to me." I squint my eyes and wave my hand in the air to tell him to continue. "Ar.. You have to know what I said last night wasn't true. I didn't mean it. I was just angry and frustrated with everything that's been happening and I took it out on you." His voice wavers and he bows his head. "You have to know how important you are to me.. You will never be second to me. You're always my first. Even above Stiles."

I hear a grumble from the other side of the door and try to hide my smile. "Ar. You're my sister, my best friend for life and nothing will ever change that. I will always need you." As I chew my lip, debating. Then, I looked into his eyes. "Well, it sure didn't feel like that last night." I doubted. "It hurt, Scott. To have you of all people agree with all my insecurities. I always feel like I'm not good enough, like I'm always your guys' shadow." His face falls and he walks over to me to pull me into a hug. "I never want you to feel like you're not good enough. You're more than good enough. You're amazing, and I'm lucky to have you as my sister and I love you. Please forgive me.. I need you." Not wanting to get all emotional at school again I pull away and grab his hands. "Okay, fine. You're forgiven." Scott's face breaks out into a huge grin as he holds up his pinky to me. "Promise?" I give a sincere smile before linking my pinky with his "Pinky." From the hallway we can hear Stiles behind the door "Aww, how sweet! Can we go to lunch now?"

Fur, Fangs and Forbidden Feelings/ S.S Teenwolf rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now