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27th August 2015:

"What's going on in there?" Dominic asks Isobel, as he points to Lilly's room, where they hear the girl shouting. "I don't know, she has been at it for like nearly an hour." The youngest shrugs. "Are any of you hearing Lilly?" He then walks downstairs into the living room where his parents sit. "Yeah, she'll be fine though. She's a teenager." Justin shrugs, looking at the paper. "One of her friends has probably annoyed her." Samatha follows up, looking at her husband.

"She's tired as well, she got back at like half six in the morning." Jemima walks into the living room with a bowl of cereal. "No, she is like, mad, mad. Something bad has happened." The boy states. "Dominic, I think you should talk to Lilly." Izzy taps her brother's shoulder. "Yeah, I'll make sure your daughter is okay." The boy holds his thumbs up at his parents, making them sigh. "Dom, it's eight in the morning, we can't deal with it this early." Sam looks at her son.

The seventeen-year-old just shakes his head, scoffing as he spins around and heads upstairs. As he gets closer to his sister's room, he can hear what she is shouting clearly. "Zack! Please, believe me!" She cried. "You don't understand." She states. "I'm not a slag, please don't call me that." She begs him. "Don't leave me here, you're the one that I love." Is the last thing Dom hears for a minute before a bang is heard on the door, making him jump.

"Lilly, what's wrong?" Dominic walks into the girl's room to see it all messy, and trashed. "Nothing Dom, don't worry about it." She hiccups, itching her head as she looks around her room. "I can tell something wrong, please tell me." He steps closer making her take a big step back, but she trips on a box and she falls on the floor. "All your weed is on the floor, my friend." Dom points at the drug. "Fuck." Lilly scrambles to the box and puts everything back in with shaky hands.

"Do you wanna smoke a joint? I'll roll it." He asks. "No thanks, not yet." The girl tries her best to smile at the seventeen year old who stays in his spot. As she arranges the box she starts to cry a little. "Lils, what's wrong?" Dominic crouches on the floor, making her look up and hold her arm out. "Please, don't come closer." She shakes her head. "I won't, not if you don't want me to." Dominic whispers, staring at his little sister with sympathy in his eyes.

"It's not you, Dom, It's me." Lilly pushes herself off the floor and puts her box on her windowsill. "Do you want to talk about it?" The older sibling asks her, seeing that something is wrong, but the girl shakes her head, slowly. "I'm not going to hurt you." The boy takes a small step towards his sister, to see her reaction. "I know." She sighs, looking at her nails as she picks at them. "Can I hug you?" Dominic wonders. Lilly nods her head quickly and wraps her arm around the teenager as he sits next to her.

"I can't stay here, Dom." Lilly cried in her brother's arms. "Why, what's wrong." The oldest Harrison rubs her back reassuringly. "I'm scared, Dominic. I'm really scared." The girl reveals, wiping her tears but they just keep flowing. "Why? You can trust me Lil's. I'm here for you. And quite frankly you're scaring me." The man awkwardly laughs. "Last night, I went out with Zack and Kelsey. Dom, I'm so stupid." The girl sobs. "No, you're not, you are the furthest thing from that." Dom rocks his little sister back and forth.

"Please tell me what happened, I feel useless when I don't know how to help you," Dominic begs. "We got drunk and high, and Kelsey's friend, I don't remember his name. He took me to his house, Dom I didn't want to go to his house." The girl struggles to breathe, as her airways get tighter, and her head becomes dizzy. "He said he was going to bring me home." She panics. "Dom I can't breathe." Lilly scratches at her neck.

"Hey, just breathe." He looks into her eyes, seeing they weren't as bright as they were yesterday morning. "No fucking shit, what do you think I'm trying to do." She rebukes, wiping her face. "Pass me your hand." The boy holds his hand out for his sister to put her hand in his. Lilly slowly nods, and places her hand on her brother, trusting him fully. "Breathe in and out, while following my heartbeat," Dominic tells her, as he puts her hand on his chest.

Couple Of Kids ~ Phil FodenWhere stories live. Discover now