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28th August 2015:

"It's one o'clock in the morning, Lilly." Grace sighs, as she stands at her front door watching her best friend walk up to her gate with a massive suitcase. "Sorry, I didn't mean to leave my house late." The girl smiles, wrapping her arms around Grace. "I've missed you so much." Grace rocks side to side, kissing her friend's cheek. "Aye, it's Harrison." Grace's younger brother walks downstairs, seeing the two. "Harrison, how many times, it's Lilly." The girl rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, I just like annoying you." The boy smiles, bringing the girl in for a hug. "How've you been?" Harrison asks the black-haired girl. "Not gonna lie, I've been better. But it is what it is." Lilly laughs slightly. "Okay enough of that, Gracie and Hattie are so excited to see you." Grace grabs Lilly's hand and drags her into the house. "Harrison, take her bags and guitar into my room please!" Grace shouts. "Anything for you big sister." The boy rolls his eyes. "Can you please be careful with my guitar, Harrison?" The other girl smiles softly at him. "Of course I will, Harrison." Harrison laughs, seeing Lilly shake her head.

"Guess who's here!" Grace storms into her little sister's room moving out of the way so they see Lilly. "Lilly." Hattie runs to the girl and hugs her tightly. "Hello, Hats." Lilly smiles, crouching on the floor to hug her back properly. "Hello, Gracie." Lilly opens her other arm for the other twin to hug her. Gracie walks to the girl and wraps her arms around her neck and kisses her cheek. "What a warm welcome." Lilly laughs, running her fingers through the girl's hair. "How old are you now?" Lilly looks at the twins. "Five." They both say making the fifteen-year-old gasp.

"Five!? Do you know how big that number is?" Lilly's eyes open wide, making the twins laugh. Gracie goes to the other side of the room picks a piece of paper off the table and brings it to Lilly. "Is this for me?" Lilly asks, pointing to the drawing Gracie held out for her. Gracie smiles and nods. "Awe, thank you, G." Lilly takes the picture and hugs the girl again. "I will keep this forever and ever," Lilly whispers to the girl making her nod. "Come on, it's late, you two need to get to bed now." Grace claps her hands together and ushers the twins into their beds. "Will Lil be here tomorrow?" Gracie asks her older sister.

"Yes, she will. She might even take you to school if you're lucky enough." Grace shrugs, raising her eyebrows. Gracie and Hattie gasp looking at the girl. "If you go to bed like good girls, I'll take you to school." Lilly nods, making the two five-year-olds smile. They both bring her into a hug and kiss her on the cheek before doing the same to their older sister and walking into their beds. "Goodnight girls." Grace waves at them. "Goodnight, Grace!" They both shout before the older Harrison turns their lights off and shuts their door. "Hello, Lilly." Mike walks out of his room to see the girl standing in the hallway. "Hi Mike, I hope you don't mind me staying." Lilly smiles.

"Don't worry about it, Lils. You're welcome to stay as long as you want. You know you're always welcome." He hugs her before going downstairs. "Where is your mother?" Lilly turns to her best friend. "In the kitchen." Grace nods, laughing as the fifteen-year-old slides down the bannister. "Natalie!" Lilly shouts walking into the room where her best friend's mum is sitting. "I was wondering how long it would take you to come and say hello." The woman laughs. "How have you been?" The Lilly asks. "I've been good, happy that I've seen your face." The mother smiles. "I see how it is." Grace walks into the room shaking her head.

"My best friend and mum just forget about me like that." She clicks her fingers. "When they see each other." Grace pretends to wipe a tear. "You're still my bestie, don't worry Grace." Winks at the brunette. "Makes me feel so much better, thank you for that." The Armstrong girl puts her hand on her chest. "And you still have the best brother in the world." Harrison throws his arm around his older sister. "You wish." The footballer scoffs, pushing his hand away. "Go on you three, off to bed. Grace you have football tomorrow, and Lilly, you've had a long journey, I'm sure you're tired. And Harrison, you need to rest your brain." Natalie smiles.

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