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13th  September 2015:

"I've got it from here Nat, thank you for driving me." Lilly smiles at the woman as they park outside of her new school. "First days can be nerve-racking, I know. But you are Lilly Harrison and you will do just fine. Just be yourself and everyone will like you." Natalie hugs the girl. "I appreciate that little speech, Natalie." Lilly laughs grabbing her bag from the floor. "And if you need me to pick you up at any point today, you let me know," Natalie says. "I will do, have a good day at work." The girl waves as she gets out of the car. "Remember, be yourself." The woman repeats before driving off. "Just be myself," Lilly whispers, walking into the school office.

"Hello, can I help you?" A receptionist asks. "Hello, I'm Lilly Harrison, I'm new." She itches her head. "Ahh yes, I will just call the head teacher and let him know you're here." The middle-aged woman smiles, before picking up the phone. "Hello, the new student Lilly Harrison is here. Okay. Okay. No, she's alone. Okay, I will let her know. Bye." Lilly looks at all of the displays as she listens to the woman. "Lilly, he won't be a minute, there was a slight problem. If you could just sit on one of those chairs for me, that would be lovely. Thank you." The receptionist smiles as the black-haired girl sits.

"Miss Harrison." A man walks out into the reception making the girl look up. "It's great to finally meet you, I'm Mr Powell." The headteacher introduces himself, shaking the girl's hand. "It's nice to meet you too." The girl nods. "Phil, this is Lilly Harrison and Lilly, this is Phil Foden." The man introduces the two, making Phil look up. "Woah." He says when he meets her eyes. "It's lovely to meet you." Phil smiles, taking Lilly's hand and shaking it. "It's nice to meet you too, Phil." The aspiring singer nods, with a light blush on her face. "Philip will be your buddy for this week." Mr Powell nods, making Lilly laugh slightly. "What was that?" Phil questions.

"What was what?" Lilly shuts her mouth together. "You laughed at my name." The boy says. "I didn't." The girl shakes her head. "You did." Phil points at her. "Okay, I did. I'm sorry, I just... isn't Philip supposed to be an old people's name?" Lilly raises an eyebrow. "I mean, it is. That's why I prefer Phil. But you can call me whatever you want." The fifteen-year-old smiles. "Okay, that's enough of that." The headteacher says as Lilly begins to blush. "Phil you will meet Lilly here, ten fifty on the dot. I do not want her waiting here for ages." The man says. "Can I bring Jadon?" Phil wonders. "Jadon and only Jadon." He tells him.

"And Lilly, you will be upstairs doing some tests, so we know where you are at, and what classes to put you in." The headteacher says, making the girl smile. "Pretend to be stupid so you're put in all of my classes," Phil whispers to her. "I don't need to pretend, I am just stupid." She whispers back. "Okay, Phil go back to form, and remember do not be late." Mr Powell points at him. "I won't, a gentleman does not leave a pretty girl like Lilly waiting around." The fifteen-year-old boy winks, making the girl laugh. "Class, now." Mr Powell points to the door. "See you later, Lilly." Phil waves walking away. "Okay, now time for your tests, follow me." The head teacher walks to a flight of stairs, Lilly following after him.


"She is so pretty," Phil tells Jadon as they wait for the new girl to come downstairs. "Yeah but if she is anything like Grace she won't be." The Sancho boy shakes his head. "Grace is not that bad." Phil lets out a laugh. "Trust me she is." Jadon nods. "Okay she is kind of, but Lilly does not seem anything like Grace," Phil reassures. "What are you saying about Grace?" Lilly asks the two boys as she gets to the bottom of the floor. "Nothing." Phil quickly answers. "That she's annoying," Jadon answers at the same time. "Shut up." Phil pinches his friend's arm. Jadon gasps and rubs his arm.

"That was rude." He scoffs. "You're rude." Lilly smiles at the boy. "Hey, I was just speaking the simple facts." Jadon holds his arms up in surrender. "And I am guessing Grace speaks facts when she tells me that you are annoying." Lilly raises an eyebrow. "I am going to see Amancia to have a little chat with her about her other friend." Jadon folds his arms and glares at the wall. "Stop being a baby. You say the same things." Phil scoffs opening the reception door. "Okay, Lilly. It is time to meet the students." The boy smiles, holding the door open for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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