Chapter 107: Season 9 ~ A New Beginning

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the morning, Carl gathered the last of his things, then went downstairs to say goodbye to Negan. It was a brief exchange. Negan didn't have much to say to him other than telling him not to get himself killed.

"See you sometime, kiddo," he said finally, his voice earnest.

"Yeah," Carl said, pushing away the guilty pressure in his chest. "See you, Negan."

To Carl's surprise, Jasper was waiting for him outside the cell door. Carl grabbed his duffel and they left together. Carol must've already been waiting at the front gate because she wasn't in the almost empty apartment when Jasper and Carl got there to grab Jasper's things.

They left to meet everyone.

Rick saw him coming first and waved. Carol was already mounted up on a patchy brown and white mare, waiting for them.

"Good?" Michonne asked.

"Yep," Carol answered, so Michonne passed her the rope of a stout chestnut mule which was carrying the rest of their supplies, along with a mail bag filled with letters for Hilltop, Kingdom, Oceanside, and the Sanctuary — the latter being run by Daryl now. They needed a carriage for everything, really. Hilltop had a home-made one but after searching months for a real one they still hadn't found anything.

Suddenly, Judith ran up to Carl and leaped into his arms. She was in tears, and hugged him tightly and told him how much she didn't want him to go and Carl held her and told her he would be back to see her in no time. When she dried her eyes, he set her down, kissed her forehead, and hugged his father and Michonne goodbye.

After saying goodbye to Gabriel, Aaron, Rosita, Eugene, and several others, too, Jasper picked Judith up into a hug, grateful that Carl had managed to stop her tears.

Finally, they mounted their horses. Jasper was riding Roan, as usual. Carl was riding a pretty, grey mare that Jasper had found roaming in a nearby town a few months ago — she'd stuck out through the dull streets like a shining, white thumb.

"If you need anything at Hilltop after Carol is gone," Rick was telling Carl, "go to Maggie or Jesus. They'll take care of you."

Carl nodded. "Promise."

"Maybe we can finally organise that fair one of these days," Rick said. "What was the sculpture you wanted to build? An owl, weren't it?"

Carl grinned. "Yeah, it was."

Rick nodded. "Here." He handed Carl a small, wrapped box. "A late birthday present. It's nothin', really. Just put it together the other day after the last hunt. Thought you'd like it."

Carl opened it. It was a keychain with what resembled a two-inch, thin canine attached, only by the texture, Carl knew instantly that it was part of a buck's antler.

"Thanks, Dad."

Rick smiled, looking pleased as Carl attached the antler keychain to the handle of his hunting knife. He hugged his dad, who removed Carl's hat and rubbed the top of his head. "See you soon..."

He let Carl go and turned to Carol. "You'll stay a few days and help them get situated?"

"Of course."

Jasper looked at her — that hadn't been the plan. Carol winked at him. Michonne caught this. Rick didn't. Carol led the way out the gate, leading her mule behind her.

Alexandria had a moat now, filled with spikes and barbed-wire and a few decaying body parts — even the road was dug out at a small section, only passable via a removable sturdy metal grid. The horses and mule looked down wearily as they passed over it.

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