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Pietro's return to the tower was quiet. Tony, looking for any excuse to throw a party, had tried to plan something before Natasha had pulled him aside and told him it probably wouldn't be the best idea. The man was still recovering, and hated being the center of attention more than anything. The media had somehow gotten information on his state, and that attention alone was more than enough to make him wanna curl up and never go outside again. He'd given out information on his disease rather early on in his whole journey, mostly as a push to help fund more charities and research.

Clint got him settled in the bed, kissing his forehead softly before telling Lucky once more to be gentle and allowing her up on the bed. Her tail wagged wildly as she sniffed the sick man up and down, eventually finding a comfortable spot. She rested her head on his chest, whining. The archer gently put his lover's hand onto her soft neck. "You call if you need anything, okay? I'm just gonna go show Kate the guest room."

The young archer had refused not to come with them, dropping everything to be there for Clint. She was currently watching, leaning against the wall. She pretended to be disinterestedly checking her watch when her mentor looked over, Pietro giving a weak laugh.

"God, it's like there's two of you now. Soon you'll be roping her into your schemes, Speedy." Clint feigned annoyance.

"Oh, I love schemes!" Kate followed him out of the room.

He showed her to a well decorated yet bland room. "Feel free to do whatever you want in here, I know it really looks like a Best Western right now."

She nodded. Steeling herself, she took a good look at the man next to her. His face was unshaven, dark circles under his eyes and hair greasy. "You look like shit, Clint." The other snorted at that. "How can I help? Seriously, let me sit with Pietro for a while, you go shower and change your clothes."

"Nah, Katie, I can't ask you to do that-" he was cut off by the younger socking him in the arm.

She squinted at him, cocking her head to the side. "You need to charge your hearing aids, man. You're not asking, I am. Let me help."

"Fine," he sighed, exasperatedly running a hand through his hair. "But the second-"

"I know. Geez, you really have no faith in me."

They both walked back to the main bedroom, Pietro weakly scratching behind Lucky's ear. He looked exhausted, eyes half lidded. Kate wasted no time jumping up on the bed, not even taking off her shoes. Clint rounded the bed, kissing his lover. "I'm gonna shower. Pietro, you're in charge."

"Ugh, why can't I be in charge!" The younger archer whined playfully. She realized what she was setting up, looking at the other man as he smiled. "Don't you say it."

"Because," a wheeze of air. "I'm dying." He grinned the best he could.

Clint just rolled his eyes. "Okay, don't kill eachother while I'm gone."

Grabbing the remote, Kate flopped down on the bed. "What do you wanna watch?"

"Whatever... no romance." She could tell he was trying his best to stay awake for her, the journey home leaving him drained.

She giggled at that, starting up Netflix. "Definitely can agree on that. I hate romance movies."

Pietro enjoyed her company. She was sharp and witty, but also caring and kindhearted. He didn't have to worry about sad looks when he joked about his future demise, in fact after she was around him for a bit she joined in. Kate never looked at him like he was some poor sick puppy, instead only shooting him looks of empathy and compassion when the situation called for it. He appreciated that quite a bit, especially now that tubes and machines of various sizes kept him alive. She also didn't hold back how she really felt.

The two watched a movie, some action film about a girl getting kidnapped and some guy killing everyone in his way to get her back. As they watched Kate looked over to the other. He was watching the tv, sure, but she could tell he was lost in thought.

"Y'know, you could still marry Clint. If you wanna." She spoke softly. "I know he'd like that."

Pietro made a face, looking down for a moment. "Not fair. To him" a raspy noise followed his words. "Marry a dead man."

"He loves you, dude. He doesn't give a shit about this," she gestured to the medical equipment to the side. "If he did, trust me he wouldn't be here."

"I was..." a pause as the ventilator hums. "Going to. On Christmas."

"What happened?"

"Got my diagnosis." He laughed sadly. "Not the right time."

"Still got the ring?" Kate cocked her head to the side slightly.

A soft wheeze before he spoke. "'Course. In my nightstand."

She crawled off the bed, going over to dig through the drawer. She searched for a while, not finding anything that looked like a ring box.

"Oh... it's in an old... cigarette box." He takes a minute before speaking again. "Didn't want him... to find."

She pulls out a dented camel crush box, flipping it open with a triumphant noise. The young archer slides out the ring to examine it. "Oh, man. He'd love it!"

The ring was silver with a band of purple gems inlayed in the center. The centerpiece of it was a small ornate bow, drawn with an arrow. "Dude, you gotta give this to him sometime! It's perfect for him."

"Is custom... had it... made... for him." He spoke as she silently slid the ring back into the box, tucking it back in it's hiding place as she heard the shower stop running. She hopped back onto the bed, sitting nonchalantly as Clint exited the bathroom in nothing but purple boxers. He rubbed his hair with a towel.

"If I could... whistle, old man." Pietro teased.

The older looked over, trying to look unamused but a small smile blew his cover. "What, you like what you see?"

"Ew! Stop being gross, Clint." Kate covered her ears.

Clint smirked, pointing to his love. "He started it."

"Mh, but she... can't blame me." Pietro's eyes were near shut, a lazy smile on his lips.

The older's gaze locked to his boyfriend. "Kate, go find something else to do."

"I- oh! Eww!" She looked disgusted between the two of them. "Gross!"

After she ran out, Clint straddled his lover. Pietro's eyes widened slightly, he hummed lightly as the archer kissed down his neck. "Lemme take care of you, baby."

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