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The couple went out, going to a botanical gardens on a nice date. Pietro was a ball of nervous energy, so Clint was tipped off that something was amiss.

He repeatedly checked on the frail man, concerned that something was hurting the other. He'd looked his equipment, made sure everything was running smoothly.

"Clint, 'm fine... enjoy the... garden." He murmured, looking out at the beautiful displays.

The archer kissed him softly. "You sure, honey?"

"Mhm." He grinned as they continued on, knowing he was getting close to where Wanda, Nat, and Katie were waiting.

They carried on through the concrete trail, Pietro starting his speech early, knowing it would take him extra time. The others had volunteered to help out through it when they got to them.

"You've always been... so wonderful to me." He stated. "From the first... time we fought together."

Clint carded his fingers through silver hair. "Aww, honey."

"You stuck with me... through Sokovia. Now through... disease as well." His voice was difficult to decipher, despite his best efforts.

As they rounded the curve he looked to Kate, who stepped out, reading off a piece of paper. "And though my time here is limited, and my words are stifled, I will always say it in whatever way I can. On my own, through a machine, or through a friend; I love you."

A sob ripped through Clint as he realized what was happening. He buried his face in his lover's hair. The sokovian spoke in a whisper. "Come on... must finish walk."

They continued down, Nat coming out and handing the older man a daisy. The flower Pietro had given him on their first date. "So with the help of others who care for us both, I am able to carry out this plan. To give you this gift that we never thought we could have."

"Clint Barton, though we might not have forever, I know my love will be yours until the sun burns out. Until there is no more left to give. So, I must ask you," Wanda stepped in, kissing her brother on the cheek and placing something in his curled hand.

Pietro looked at Clint, who was now crouched before him, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Will you... marry me?" He held up a shaking hand.

"Of course I will. Yes, baby." The archer bawled, taking the ring from his loose grasp before hugging him tightly. They both cried for a long while, and when the older pulled away he was a mess.

He hugged each person that helped, crying all over again.


The celebration at the tower was kept small, only between team members and Laura and the kids. And Kate, of course.

Pietro was sat in the recliner, Lucky sitting underneath the footrest with her tail wagging violently. The kids were happy to see him, yet slightly skittish of the machines. "Is okay." He insisted, Cooper clinging to his side.

Laura was sitting on the couch with Clint. "I'm so glad he chose to get more time." She spoke in a hushed tone, watching the kids play with the fragile man.

"Me too," the archer smiled affectionately at his partner. "I was scared at first, that he would just suffer. But he's so happy, he has more energy, I'm so glad there's a possibility that we could have several more good years."

He looked over again, Pietro looking at him with pain in his eyes.

"Shoot, I'm late on his meds. Gimme a sec." Clint stood, stopping to kiss his lover and whisper something in his ear before going into the bedroom. He came back out with three syringes, one big one and two smaller ones.

The kids watched in fascination. "Daddy, are those shots?" Nate gasped.

"No, buddy." The older chuckled, ruffling the kid's hair. "These go in this tube," he showed the surgical tube Pietro had got more recently, his face now free of medical devices. "And it puts the medicine in his tummy since he can't swallow so good anymore."

"Does it hurt?" Lila looked a little afraid of the idea.

The younger man smiled slightly at her. "No. Don't feel it."

She nodded minutely.

Cooper watched intently as Clint screwed the tip of the syringe to the end of the tube, pushing the medicine slowly. "This one is for pain, so Piet doesn't hurt too much." He continued to explain. "And this one is to relax his muscles, so they don't get too tight and hurt him." He pushed the second syringe, then flushing the tube with the large syringe of water.

"Mh, thank you." Pietro mumbled, looking up at him.

"It's no problem, sweetheart. I love you."

"Love you." He kissed back the best he could as his archer bent down.

Clint went back to his seat. Laura smiled, sipping her wine. "The kids have missed him. So, so much."

"I can tell." He watched Nate crawl up onto the thin man's lap, listening intently to Pietro's every slurred word as he spoke. Lila took to his hair, pulling it up and out of his eyes. Cooper, meanwhile, took Pietro's hand and was gently stretching it as his fingers spasmed in a blue blur. "We did good, huh? The three of us, raising these kids."

"I think so."

Later, Clint sat on the armrest of the recliner and spooned small bits of chocolate ice cream into his lover's mouth, smearing a tiny mark on his nose. The older licked it off, Pietro laughing softly. "I could... feed myself... more accurately." He wheezed.

"Oh, shut up." The archer giggled like a middleschooler.

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