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Pietro was in a hell of his own making this time. He'd agreed to an interview for charity, to raise money for research. Clint reassured him that he could back out at any point, no questions asked.

He was dressed in a warm grey cardigan with a well loved Hawkeye graphic tee underneath and black sweatpants along with his trademark sneakers. In reality he had no need for specially engineered runners anymore, but they were comfortable. Kate had done his hair before he'd left the tower, and they were off to the location. Clint kissed his cheek softly, giving him a small smile.

"Just remember, honey. You say the word and we're outta there." The archer whispered in his ear as they pulled into the parking lot, putting a lock of hair behind Pietro's ear.

"Mhm. I don't... look too... awful?" His cheeks flushed as Clint wiped his face once more before opening the car door.

Clint began to get him out as he spoke. "Baby, you're beautiful. You always have been and always will be."

They made their way into the back entrance of the place, a receptionist greeting them. "Mr. Maximoff, Mr. Barton. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

"Hey, nice to meet you." Clint reached out to shake her hand as Pietro tried to smile politely.

They were lead down the hall to a room full of lights and cameras. The younger of the two felt his heart pound and mouth go dry at the sight. The small crew was grouped up, talking when they entered. A tall man stood up upon seeing them.

"Hey, nice to meet y'all. My name's Joshua, and I'll be the interviewer today. Do either of you have any questions before we start?" He sat on a stool before Pietro, almost studying him.

Clint put an arm on his husband's shoulder. Pietro spoke slowly, looking to his archer for reassurance. "Can we... run through... questions... again?"

The older clarified, and the interviewer nodded, shuffling papers. "Of course, of course."

They ran through the questions, taking the time to stop and interject or change things, the crew setting up. Pietro choked lightly right as they were getting ready to film, his husband tilting him forward and holding a piece of cloth to his mouth. "It's alright, babe."

"Make sure... cut from tape... if happens... during." A low wheeze as he struggled against the coughing fit.

"Of course, Piet." Clint wiped his face gently, turning to the crew as he sat his lover back up. "He doesn't want anything like this recorded. Can you guys make sure of that?"

Various nods and agreements.

"Okay, hon, you ready to start?"

They started soon after, the interviewer introducing the two of them. "Here in the studio today we have Pietro Maximoff and Clint Barton, here to raise money toward rare disease research. Care to tell us a little bit about yourselves before we get started?"

"Yeah! You mind if I start?" Clint took his husband's hand. Waiting for Pietro's agreement, he spoke. "Well, I'm glad to be here today with my husband raising awareness. Pietro and I have been through a lot in these last two years since diagnosis, and have taken a break from the media as much as possible. But we are happy to announce that we were married last month."

"Oh, I'm happy to hear that! So, to start with our first question. Pietro, what were your first symptoms?"

The younger of the couple started speaking, husband squeezing his hand lightly. "Was... foot drop. Kept tripping... losing my balance." A pause. "Clint noticed... early. Even when... I tried to... hide it."

The man waited patiently for him to answer, then for his lover to clarify. "Did it ever affect you on missions before you got a diagnosis?"

"Mh, yes. Tripped at... top speed and... broke my wrist." He gave a small laugh. "Mild... concussion... too, Black Widow had... to carry me back. Embarrassing."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Now Clint, this is moreso a question for you- how has this disease affected you?"

Clint let out a sigh, feeling a barely perceived squeeze to his hand. He looked over to his husband, raising the other's hand to kiss his knuckles as he contemplated his answer. "It's been crushing. Absolutely crushing. Seeing the damage it's caused to my husband has been devastating. Watching it take all the little things, then almost take him from me due to the respiratory failure? It's the most painful and heartbreaking thing I've been through. Now we just make the best of every day."

Pietro looked down as a tear fell. The archer swiped it away, looking apologetic. "Honey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"No... is just hard. Hearing how... much you hurt." He murmured weakly.

The older kissed his cheek. "It's okay, baby. Do you need a minute?"


The interviewer cleared his throat, continuing. "Pietro, has this affected the type of fan encounters you experience?"

"Da. Has different... tone now. Sadder, less... excitement." He opened his mouth to speak again after a moment, a deep wheeze following another coughing fit cutting him off.

It was weaker this time, Clint leaning him forward as one of the crew member's announced a cut. A stream of spit escaped as he struggled, his husband rubbing circles on his back. "Clint... make sure... they-"

"I know, speedy, they're not putting this in. Focus on relaxing for right now, okay?" The older soothed, kissing him as the fit ended. "You okay to keep going?"

"Am okay." Hair was over his eyes as his love wiped his face.

Clint brushed silver curls away from his eyes, cupping his cheek softly as he made sure the younger was comfortable. "You sure, hon? We can always finish another day."

"Small break." He slurred out a compromise. "Then finish, yes?"

His archer nodded, kissing him again before reaching over to take a drink from his water bottle. "You need anything?"

Silver hair almost glowed in the bright lighting. "Nyet. No worry."

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