CHAPTER 3: The Hospital.

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After extensive tests and such, Maddi was taken to her own private room. She laid there wrapped in lots of blankets to help raise her core body temperature which had fast dropped down to a very low temperature. Her mother sat by her side, whos eyes were as black as the ace of spades. She had clearly been beaten. This had not been unnoticed by the hospital staff though.

After about 8 hours, Maddi opened her eyes. She was extremely pale. Her eyes were bloodshot. She was cold to touch and still had traces of food in her hair. It wasn't long after that the doctor came in.

"Ahh Maddi you are awake, how are you feeling?" Asked doctor Scofield.

Maddi barely able to talk replied "I...I..think .sss...sooooo, wwwha, what hhhaa..haaapp, happened?"

"You are one lucky girl missy, angels must of been looking over you" replied doctor Scofield.

Maddi's mum was crying, "what were the test results doc?"

"Well by some stroke of luck, Maddi has suffered no internal injuries to her organs. Although I would like to keep you in for a few days as you have some fluid on your lungs which may get worst. You have also fractured your right arm"

A huge sigh of relief came over Maddi's mum.

"Do you mind sitting outside for a few minutes please Mrs Dawson, ill be with you in a few minutes"

With a confused look on her face she hopped up and left the room.

"Alright Maddi, I wanted to ask you something, now I'm not trying to hurt you, but I have a feeling I will get a more truthful response with your mother out of the room. Is that ok?" Asked Dr Scofield cautiously.

"S-s-sure, wha-what is it?

"I need you to tell me why you were in the river, so late and for so long"

Maddi tried to control her emotions. But they over took her and she burst into tears. "I-I-I wa-wa-want t-to bu-but I-I can't." Tears streaming down her face.

"That's alright. I can kind of assume what happened. I have someone who would like to meet you though ok?"

Maddi was petrified. But she agreed.

"Don't look so scared Maddi. Everything is alright" Dr Scofield said with a smile on his face. " His name is Chris, he was the one who found you down at the river. He pulled you out and is probably the reason you are alive"

Maddi was speechless. Her eyes wide open, her mouth slightly dropped.

"I have to go speak to your mum now ok. If you need me just press the green button on the control next to you. "

And with that Dr Scofield opened the door, let Chris in and walked out.

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