Chapter 1

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"No fair, Lynn!" yelled Liam, my twin brother. I keep running, pumping my arms faster and faster, the distance between me and my brother lengthening. 

"Yes fair, Liam!" I yell over my shoulder, the finishing line just visible. My father and my personal coach stand next to the finishing line, waiting for me. I feel a sudden burst of energy and sprint the last few meters to the finishing line. I grin and wait patiently for a puffing Liam to come near me. I let him go to the finish line at the same time as me because my mom says I'm Good. 

"Dad! Lynn cheated!" Liam whined, going to my father.

"Well Liam, you said you prefer soccer to running, didn't you? You can't be good at everything." My dad says, comforting my twin. Liam grumbled as our father herded us into the castle.

"C'mon, Mom's waiting to eat dinner inside," My dad says, ushering us to the dining hall. My light, bouncy hazel hair bobbed as I nodded excitedly. I tie my hair into a ponytail and get ready to follow my father.

"Lynn, Liam!" Our mother calls to us. Our mother, Agatha of the Woods Beyond, has sharp raven hair that goes to her shoulders, fair skin, and beautiful features. She's wearing a long, elegant pale yellow dress, with long flowing sleeves and sunflowers stitched on her waistline. 

"My love," Dad says, kissing Mom's cheek, "You look beautiful," He whispers as Liam and I gag. Our mom blushes and tells us.

"Kids, we're hosting a ball tonight! Go to your rooms get a bath and change into your ball clothes. This is your last night at Camelot for a while, enjoy it!" Mom notices my frown. I hate my ball clothes. A dress, imagine that! "Lynn, sweetie, please wear your dress with the Camelot colors please," Mom says, her pleading eyes gazing at mine.

"Sure," I mumble, still grumpy about the ball. 

"Go now," Dad says, kissing both our cheeks. 

"This time I'm definitely getting a picture," teases Liam, knowing my hate of dresses. I smirk at him, knowing his camera and any other means of taking a picture were in a hiding spot only I knew. 

"Good luck with that," I say smugly to Liam. Liam groaned, knowing what I did. 

A burst of neon pink light filled the room, and teleported our aunt, Sophie, into Camelot. 

"Sophie!" My mother exclaims, going to hug her sister. Aunt Sophie is the Dean of the School of Evil. She has a kid named Belle, which means "beauty" in French, and she is an absolute pain.

My mom and Sophie both gave birth at the same time, so Liam, Belle, and I share a birthday. I inwardly groan as girl in a prissy pink dress and pink heels come through the portal. Belle has bouncy blond curls and is a carbon copy of Sophie. With piercing green eyes, she looks regal as ever with her nose pointed in the air. 

"Mother, why do we have to come here again?" Belle asks pointedly, looking with disdain around the Camelot castle. I start to bristle but Liam gently puts his hand on mine. 

"Shush Belle, I know you don't want to be here but you have to. Agatha! Dear, is it okay if Belle stays the night here and goes to the School for Good and Evil with your twins, please?" Sophie asks, pleading.

"AHEM." My dad clears his throat, narrowing his eyes at Sophie. Agatha rolled her eyes.

"Of course, Belle can stay," My mother replies, ushering Belle, Liam, and me out of the room. 

"Let's go, Daddy and Auntie Sophie are going to be talking about boring grown-up stuff," My mother says in a rush. Yelling exploded from the closed door and my mom winced. "Let's go," She repeated. 

"Belle, you're staying in Lynn's room, okay? We have guest rooms but I think that Lynn's room is big enough," My mother rambles off, pulling us towards our bedrooms. 

"Mom, can you help with my tie please?" Liam asks our mom. 

"Of course sweetie. Girls, please go into Lynn's room and get ready for the ball," My mom says, blowing me a kiss while gently shutting the door to Liam's room. 

"A ball?!" Belle exclaims, excitedly. 

"Yes, a ball," I repeat, tired of being Belle's roommate already. 

"What should I wear?!" squeals Belle, magically changing her outfit every minute. I groan and go to the attached bathroom. I lock the door and reluctantly go into the bath. 


After an hour of bathing, drying, brushing my hair, and getting ready, I was ready. I wore a dress that was midnight blue with gold trim. Golden leaves were stitched onto my neckline and waistline, complimenting my blue eyes. I pulled my hair into an intricate braid that flowed down my back. I put on golden eye shadow and minimal makeup. 

Belle was wearing a gigantic hot pink dress with ruffles everywhere. Flowers were stitched onto the ruffles and her neckline was scandalously low. She put on way too much makeup and looked like a clown in my opinion. She wore handmade glass heels that were dyed pink and lots of pearly white jewelry. Belle flicked back her perfect array of curls and a puff of perfume filled the room. The perfume stung my eyes and I really really wanted a gas mask. I jumped onto my bed and hurriedly opened all the windows to air the room.

"Why did you have to put on so much perfume?" I whined, glaring at Belle. Belle gave a presumptuous sniff and sashayed out of the room.

"Lynn! Belle! Ball's going to start any minute now!" My mom yells, urging us to hurry. I roll my eyes as Belle rushes to my mother. 

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